June 2022 POSTPONED Terminé

Reims, France

Exploring Lignocellulosic Biomass (ELB)

Exploring Lignocellulosic Biomass: challenges and opportunities for bioeconomy - ELB 2020, is an international colloque, organized in 4 scientific sessions covering all aspects of lignocellulose architecture, transformation and valorisation, with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches related to bioeconomy and digital techniques to tackle environmental challenges.

Official statement

Dear ELB 2020 participants and partners,

Due to the actual sanitary crisis around the coronavirus (COVID-19), IAR-The French Bioeconomy Cluster, INRAE/URCA FARE lab and their organizing partners, have decided to postpone the next edition of Exploring Lignocellulosic Biomass (ELB 2020), from June 2020 to June 2022.

The well-being of our speakers, sponsors, attendees and staff is our primary concern. Having undertaken a consultation with our partners and speakers, it became clear that there was a common desire to organize a positive event occurring in safe conditions.

Meanwhile, we will continue to support our coverage of lignocellulosic biomass valorization, as well as furthering the development of our community with online content on our LinkedIn page enabling the academic and industrial partners to stay connected with us: ELB LindekIn page(click on follow)

We will be providing regular updates to the community regarding Exploring Lignocellulosic Biomass in June 2021, including specific dates and next steps (abstract submission, registration).

Finally, we greatly appreciate the goodwill and support from all our participants and partners.

Keep safe, looking forward to seeing you next year,

Gabriel Paës, Chairman of ELB

Go to our website for more information


Preliminary programme

Session 1: Structural and chemical complexity of lignocellulose

Keynote lecture

Pr Shi-You Ding,
Michigan State University, USA


Lignocellulose is a complex material due to its multiscale structure and chemical heterogeneity. Gaining more knowledge in our capacity to characterize its properties is important to optimise its deconstruction.

Expected contributions: techniques investigating complexity of lignocellulose, with a special interest for multiscale approaches and modelling/simulation techniques, combining chemical, microscopy, structural analysis.

Session 2: Physical, chemical and biological deconstruction of lignocellulose

Keynote lecture

Pr Sara Blumer-Shuette,
Oakland University, USA


Conversion of lignocellulose into intermediate molecules requires efficient processes having low environmental impact and low cost to be competitive, while taking into account when possible all the polymers making lignocellulose.

Expected contributions: relevant approaches to fractionate, extract and/or purify fibres, polymers, oligomers and molecules from lignocellulose, with a special interest for original and/or industrialy-relevant routes, possibly combining physical, chemical and biological pathways.

Poster session

Gala dinner

Session 3 : Lignocellulose as a a source of biomolecules for energy and platforms molecules

Keynote lecture

Pr Jeremy Luterbacher
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Making energy and bioproducts from lignocellulose is expected to drive the emergence of bioeconomy, but some improvements are still necessary to optimise (bio)catalytic processes.

Expected contributions: approaches to turn fractionated lignocellulose into biomolecules for energy and comodities to replace their fossil-based counterpart, with a special interest for original and/or industrialy-relevant routes.

Session 4: Biobased materials from lignocellulose

Keynote lecture

Dr Tatsuo Kaneko,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Materials in packaging for example need to be biobased and to degrade without compromising environment: lignocellulose can contribute to such a change.

Expected contributions: original development of lignocellulose-based materials, not only to make identical materials as those from fossil carbon, but rather to propose new materials with intelligent properties.

A special emphasis will be given to interdisciplinary approaches, in particular to those related to bioeconomy and machine learning techniques to tackle lignocellulose challenges in the sessions described above.


Gabriel Paës FOR ANY PROGRAM ENQUIRY : ELB Chairman - INRAE Fractionnement des AgroRessources et Environnement

Johan De Coninck FOR SPONSORING : Business developerIAR, The French Bioeconomy Cluster

Hugo Chevalier FOR LOGISTIQUE & REGISTRATION - Projects OfficersIAR, The French Bioeconomy Cluster

Le centre