Ressources dossier
Food, Global Health

The hidden power of fermented foods

Fermentation, an age-old process for preserving food, relies on the activity of micro-organisms that prevent the development of harmful bacteria but also transform the raw food material, endowing it with new sensory and nutritional properties. Healthy, sustainable and with untapped potential, fermented foods could well occupy a place of choice in tomorrow’s diet, particularly as people in western countries turn increasingly toward plant-based food choices.

Published on 16 January 2023


Fermentation types

 Click on the image to download the infographic in PDF.

Scientific leads for the dossier: 

  • Marie-Christine Champomier-Vergès, Research director at the Micalis Institute
  • Sylvie Dequin, Head of INRAE's Microbiology and the Food Chain division
  • Lionel Brétillon, Head of INRAE's Human Nutrition and Food Safety division
  • Catherine Renard, Head of INRAE's Sciences for Food, Bioproducts and Waste Engineering division
  • Monique Axelos, Scientific Director of Food and the Bioeconomy