News brief

Signature convention FranceAgriMer

16 July 2024 – INRAE and FranceAgriMer sign a partnership agreement on international cooperation and expertise. Christine Avelin, CEO of FranceAgriMer and Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE, signed a 5-year agreement today, whereby the two organisations undertake to jointly implement international projects and initiatives. The aim of this partnership is to promote France's public agricultural and agri-food expertise internationally, and to support French know-how and products on overseas markets. By strengthening ties with public and private institutional partners, INRAE and FranceAgriMer's collaboration will be built around European twinning projects, technical assistance and TAEIX projects (assistance and information exchange among experts within the EU). INRAE will be able to rely on FranceAgriMer to promote and extend its expertise internationally, while FranceAgriMer will be able to call on the expertise of INRAE researchers in the fields covered by the French Ministry of Agriculture.

Philippe Mauguin, PDG d’INRAE et Yaping Zhang, vice-président de la CAS en train de signer l'accord-cadre

12 June 2024 – A renewed framework agreement with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. During a visit from a high-level delegation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) to INRAE, CEO Philippe Mauguin and Yaping Zhang, Vice President of the CAS signed a new framework agreement aimed at deepening scientific cooperation in the area of sustainable development. Over 20 years after the first cooperation agreement was launched, the CAS has become INRAE’s primary scientific partner outside of Europe in terms of the number of co-publications, most of which focus on environmental sciences, biodiversity, plant sciences, geosciences and remote sensing. The high-level meeting underlined the wish of both organisations to expand cooperation between their teams.

Photo de groupe de la délégation chinoise et d'INRAE tenant les accords signés

12 June 2024 – A new International Associated Laboratory: INNOGRAPE 2.The International Associated Laboratory (LIA) INNOGRAPE 2 was launched during a visit from a delegation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, following the success of a first LIA – INNOGRAPE – created in 2018. This new LIA agreement brings together four institutional partners: the Institute of Botany of the CAS, INRAE, Université de Bordeaux and Bordeaux Sciences Agro. INNOGRAPE 2, coordinated for the French partners by Nathalie Ollat of the Ecophysiology and Functional Genomics of the Vine joint research unit (EGFV), will aim to expand research on the adaptation of grapevine to climate change and on evolving agricultural practices. The new LIA includes joint research units specialised in oenology, wine quality and vine health and will focus on three scientific areas:  adaptation to climate change, host-pathogen interaction, and the metabolites involved in wine quality. Enhanced training is another feature of the new LIA. This new cooperation project has already yielded remarkable results, including an article in Science and other co-publications, scientific initiatives, and modelling for the impacts of climate change.

22 April 2024 – A letter of intent to set up a Franco-Moroccan international associated laboratory (LIA) for the valorisation of biomass, organic waste and microalgae was signed at the Salon International de l'Agriculture au Maroc (SIAM) in Meknes, representatives of INRAE and Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P), in the presence of the Ministers of Agriculture of both countries. The signing of this letter of intent confirms the willingness of the two organisations to work together to create an International Associated Laboratory (LIA) focusing on the valorisation of biomass, organic waste and microalgae for the production of energy, animal feed, fertilisers and biostimulants. This project will also involve the Institut Agro as a partner with significant expertise in the scientific subjects and collaborations in prospect. This LIA will facilitate the development of joint research projects, exchanges of scientists and doctoral students, and the joint organisation of training courses and scientific events. These joint activities aim to provide answers to the global challenges of preserving the environment and resources, promoting sustainable management policies and facilitating international cooperation.

22 April 2024 - A bilateral framework cooperation agreement between INRAE and the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II (IAV) in Morocco was signed at the Salon International de l'Agriculture au Maroc (SIAM) in Meknes, by Philippe Mauguin, INRAE Chair and CEO, and Abdelaziz El Hraiki, IAV Director General in the presence of the Ministers of Agriculture of both countries. The agreement highlights the willingness of both institutes to continue developing their cooperation in response to the major challenges facing the Mediterranean basin in terms of water resource management, agricultural and food production, ecological transition and sustainable development.  The IAV is one of INRAE's leading Moroccan partners in terms of co-publications. The two institutes have been developing close scientific cooperation relations in the fields of agriculture and the environment for more than fifteen years. Both partners recognize the important role of training and research in supporting the sustainable development of agriculture that is environmentally, socially and economically efficient

18 April 2024 – Signature of a historic institutional collaboration agreement between INRAE and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid by Eloísa del Pino, President of CSIC, and Philippe Mauguin, Chairman and CEO of INRAE. CSIC is INRAE's 1st partner in terms of international co-publications, and its 2nd partner in European projects. The agreement, which aims to consolidate the scientific partnership between the two institutes, focusing on high-priority topics such as Climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Mediterranean region, sustainable food systems, bioeconomy and circular economy, and genetic resources. A first CSIC-INRAE scientific workshop on the adaptation of agriculture to climate change was held. An opportunity for both institutes’ scientific communities to better understand the extent of their expertise and to identify the scope of future cooperation. 

4 April, 2024 - A new International Associated Laboratory (IAL) "BOOST: design of Biobased (non-foOd and foOd) Systems for a world in Transition" was signed between INRAE and Wageningen University, Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences, for the next five years.  Bringing together scientists from the BIA Biopolymers, Interactions, Assemblies research unit at INRAE and the Food Sciences cluster at WUR, the IAL is under the co-coordination of Claire Berton-Carabin, INRAE, and Karin Schroën, WUR. It formalises a major collaboration between both institutes aimed at developing new food and non-food systems that add value to plant raw materials and minimally processed ingredients. 

27 March 2024 - Signature of a Joint Declaration of Intent between INRAE and the Julius-Kühn Institute (JKI) at the French-German seminar on alternatives to pesticides, at the French Embassy in Berlin. This declaration aims to strengthen and structure a joint contribution to the development of future plant production systems in the background of climate change in Germany and France. It marks the continuation of a strong historical collaboration between the two institutes, already involved in research on new grape varieties tolerant to foliar diseases, members of the Wheat Initiative and founding members of the European Research Alliance "Towards a chemical pesticide-free agriculture". The joint scientific activities planned under this declaration will focus on the development of resilient and sustainable agricultural production systems, breeding of resistant and resource-efficient crop genotypes, sustainable use of natural resources and adaptation to climate change, agroecology, information and communication technologies.

25 February, 2024 - Renewal of the framework agreement between Embrapa and INRAE at the  Paris International Agricultural Show (SIA). Silvia Massruhá, President of Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária), and Philippe Mauguin, Chairman and CEO of INRAE, confirmed the future renewal of the framework agreement between the two institutes, during a meeting on the INRAE stand at the SIA. This renewal confirms the excellence of the international collaborations carried out by the two institutes following the 1st framework agreement signed in 2018 for 5 years. The new agreement will cover scientific and technological cooperation in the fields of agriculture, livestock, forestry, environment and natural resources, with the aim of increasing existing knowledge in the field of sustainable development.


 5 December, 2023 - On World Soil Day, local and national organisations signing the European Soil Manifesto, showing their support to the European Union's mission "A Healthy Soil Pact for Europe" and its objectives. The signatories are joining a community of practice that champions the importance of soil health and is concerned about the future of soils in Europe and around the world. Among the many signatories is Marion Bardy, Director of Public Policy Support for INRAE.

Read the manifesto.



20 November, 2023 - Renewal of the agreement for the joint unit to support international relations (UMARI) between CIRAD and INRAE. The UMARI, set up in 2015, provides pooled support for the development and enhancement of international scientific collaborations, by linking up and creating synergies between numerous research, research training and innovation partnerships on every continent. These efforts aim to better coordinate and structure research responses to global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, human, animal and plant health in the broadest sense, food and nutrition insecurity, and the development and management of natural resources associated with agricultural, forestry and food systems.


16 November, 2023 - The international initiative PREZODE to prevent zoonotic disease emergence held its 2nd General Assembly. The event gave an overview of the achievements of the international initiative since its launch in January 2021, the partnerships with International Organisations, and to inform about the implementation of the governance bodies and chairs. Dr Papa Serigne Seck, from Senegal, is the new President of the General Assembly, and Dr Soawapak Hinjoy, from Thailand, the Vice-President. The main topic of the event “Strengthening Member Synergies” gave an emphasis  on the values of cooperation and collaboration which are at the core of PREZODE. The initiative will launch a call for experts to join the 5 Pillars Working Groups. Full press release



27 October, 2023 - The UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) this week announced the next Steering Committee of its High Level Panel of Experts on food security and nutrition. The following 15 world-renowned experts have been appointed by the Bureau of the UN Committee on World Food Security to serve as members of the Steering Committee of the HLPE-FSN., including Marie Josèphe Amiot-Carlin, Honorary Research Director in Nutrition and Public Health, retired INRAE Project Manager, of Human nutrition and food safety division. The HLPE-FSN Steering Committee members are reputable, internationally recognized experts on food security and nutrition-related fields and reflect an assortment of scientific disciplines, balance of regional expertise as well as consideration of gender representation. They work with an extensive network of over 2,000 experts and they participate in their individual capacities and not as representatives of their respective governments institutions or organizations.


Signature de l'accord de coopération entre les représentants d'INRAE et du DST indien

New cooperation agreement between INRAE and the Indian Government's Department of Science and Technology (DST). The "India-France Science Connect" day was organised on 6 October 2023, in Paris, at the initiative of the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR). The event gathered the Indian Embassy in Paris, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French National Research Agency, and key scientific partners involved in the cooperation between France and India, including INRAE. On this occasion, INRAE and the DST in India signed a cooperation agreement on food security, natural resource management, agroecology, digitalisation and disease prevention for One Health.  A future scientific workshop between INRAE and DST will define a work programme on these topics. Find out more about our collaboration with India.


Avis viande INRAE-220

15 September, 2023 – Launch of a new international associated laboratory (IAL) to assess and model ruminant meat quality. During his visit to Bordeaux, France, INRAE’s Chair and CEO signed the creation of the IAL RUMQUAL in partnership with Bordeaux Sciences Agro and AG Research in New Zealand. This international laboratory builds on previous successful collaborations and will generate fundamental and applied knowledge on sustainable meat production of quality. It will make it possible to offer products of satisfactory quality in sensory, nutritional and environmental terms. It follows on from the framework cooperation agreement signed in June 2020 between INRAE and the member institutes of Science New Zealand, including AgResarch.


6 June, 2023 - INRAE and its North American partners strengthen their scientific and institutional cooperation. During a visit to North America, Philippe Mauguin, INRAE Chair and CEO, and Jean-François Soussana, Vice President of International Policy, met with key partners. INRAE and Université Laval signed a new framework agreement for 2023-2027 and launched the new International Associated Laboratory for Farm Animal Nutrition and Modelling for Sustainable Feeding Systems (IAL Nutri-Mod), in partnership with AgroParisTech. The signature of the IAL IN-COMBI “Inclusive Nutrition: combinatorial nutritional signals drive plant responses to climate change” formalized the partnership with Michigan State University, in association with Montpellier Institut Agro and the University of Montpellier.


20 April, 2023 - INRAE renews partnerships for the environment and food security in India. Following his participation in the G20 MACS in India as the Chief Scientific Officer for France , Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE,  renewed several partnerships. A new workplan was presented with the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) and a framework agreement was reached by INRAE and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru, extending cooperation beyond the Indo French Cell for Water Sciences Research Unit (CEFIRSE), in partnership with CNRS, CNES, IRD, UPMC and the University of Toulouse, to other areas of research including wastewater reuse (REUSE). The fourth renewal of the framework agreement was signed with the Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF) for research and development cooperation.