Access to administrative documents

In accordance with articles L.330-1, R. 330-2 et seq. of the French code of relations between the public and the administration, the Chair and CEO of INRAE has named a person in charge of access to administrative documents and issues relating to the reuse of public information (PRADA) by decision no. DEC22299DAJ of 12 September 2022.

The PRADA receives requests for access to administrative documents held by INRAE, requests for reuse of public information held by the Institute, as well as possible complaints and any other request falling within the scope of its missions.

The PRADA is responsible for examining these requests in coordination with and with the support of the competent INRAE departments.

You can send your request to INRAE’s PRADA, by post or email, at the following address 

Ms Cécile Janet
Direction des affaires juridiques / PRADA
147 rue de l’Université 
75338 Paris Cedex 07 – France

Your request must include

  • The contact details of the person making the request: first and last names, address, email and telephone number
  • The subject of the request 
  • The name of the relevant INRAE department, if you know it
  • Any other information that is relevant to your request

You can also contact the relevant INRAE department directly by consulting the INRAE directory.

Every request is handled in accordance with all current legal and regulatory requirements. If the Institute refuses or does not respond to your request, you may refer the matter to the French Commission for Access to Administrative Documents (Commission d’accès aux documents administratifs – CADA, under the conditions provided for in articles R.343-1 to R.343-5 of the French code of relations between the public and the administration.