17 18 May 2021 Ended


Fascination of Plants Day

Fascination of Plants Day provides the opportunity for numerous events, in France and around the world, with the objective of building up a relationship between people and plants. Created in 2012, with the support of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO)—which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year—and in collaboration with INRAE, the French coordinator of the event, Fascination of Plants Day aims to promote both the importance of plants in our daily lives and current research in the field.

illustration Fascination of Plants Day

In 2021, Fascination of Plants Day will be mostly virtual!

The world's largest producers of biomass, plants are essential for food—for humans and animals—health, and energy production, with new uses still being discovered. From plant cells to agricultural systems and forests, from our gardens and laboratories to lands on the other side of the globe, discover how plants develop and interact with their environment and find out more about the research being carried out to understand them. Scientific, playful, poetic recreation... A learning opportunity or an escape from daily life... Whether you are passionate about plants or just eager to learn, you will find something to satisfy your curiosity! There is something for everyone, of all ages and backgrounds!

For this occasion, a website (in French) has been created in France to bring together videos, reports, exhibitions, conferences, games, educational resources, etc.  This site will be accessible from the beginning of May and will remain open until the next edition in 2022.

The events of 2021

Speed meeting – Let’s talk about plants! (Le végétal à l’honneur !)
Terre des Sciences and the Objectif Vegetal, Research, Education and Innovation Programme
in partnership with: IRHS, INRAE, Agrocampus Ouest, University of Angers, ESA (École Supérieure d’Agricultures)
Pays de la Loire Region
Online discussions with researchers, open to the general public ages 8 and up
18 May 2021
> Julia Buitink, INRAE, Research Institute for Horticulture and Seeds Joint Research Unit (IRHS), Angers
> Laurence Hibrand - Saint Oyant, INRAE - IRHS, Angers
> Fabrice Foucher, INRAE - IRHS, Angers
> Céline Lefort – Doctoral student, ESA, Angers
> Ronan Simoneaux, ESA, Angers

When chemistry lights up plants (Quand la chimie éclaire le végétal)
Structural and Functional Glycobiology Research Unit (UGSF) and Lille Platforms in Biology and Health (PLBS) within the framework of Xperium
in partnership with: University of Lille, CNRS, INSERM, Lille University Hospital, Pasteur Institute of Lille, INRAE, ChémoGlycoBiologie, TISBio, Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of the Hauts-de-France Region
On-site workshop for the general public (30 min)
Villeneuve d’Ascq, 18 May 2021
In 30 minutes, discover an innovative methodology combining biology, chemistry and physics to better understand lignin, one of the main components of wood.

What do we eat in a plant? (Que mange-t-on dans une plante ?)
Maison d’Initiation et de Sensibilisation aux Sciences (MISS)
in partnership with: Ile-de-France Region, Paris-Saclay University, CNRS
On-site workshop for school children (from ages 8 to 11)
Orsay, 18 May 2021

 Teacher-Researcher Meeting: "Evolution, Selection, Adaptation... It's a Long Story" (Evolution, sélection, adaptation…toute une histoire à raconter)
INRAE Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
in partnership with: Académie d’Aix-Marseille
On-site Teacher-Researcher Meeting for secondary school teachers
Avignon, 18 May 2021

Remarkable tree flowers in France: the scent of magnolia and glycine (Fleurs d’arbres remarquables de France : senteurs du magnolia et de la glycine)
FLAV LAB Toulouse – Laboratory of Agro-Industrial Chemistry (LCA)
in partnership with: INRAE, INP-ENSIACET, INP-PURPAN, Toulouse City Hall, Atelier Fragrance

Conseil, 4A7 DO IT !, CATAR CRITT Agro-ressources, Institut Carnot 3BCar
On-site workshop for students and staff of the INP Campus
Toulouse, 18 May 2021

Teaching about nature and within nature to develop a new relationship between humans and their environment (Enseigner la nature et dans la nature pour instaurer un nouveau rapport entre humain et non humain)
Agropolis International
in partnership with: Department of Hérault
Online conference-debate open to the general public

20 May 2021
Les Echos Durables conference, with the participation of:
- Sylvain Wagnon, University of Montpellier, social historian of education
- Aurélie Javelle, L'institut Agro | Montpellier SupAgro, ethnologist
- Corine Martel, Académie de Montpellier, Director of EducNatu’RE


Climate change: a challenge for plants (Le dérèglement climatique : un défi pour les plantes)
National Society of Horticulture of France (SNHF)
Series of 5 webinars for the general public

25 May to 22 June 2021

