Climate change and risks 2 min

For more climate-neutral and climate-resilient farms across Europe

H2020 ClieNFarms, a 12 million euro Innovation Action project, funded by the European Commission, in support of the European Green Deal, aims to co-develop and upscale systemic locally relevant solutions to reach climate-neutral and climate-resilient sustainable farms across Europe. This pioneering project is coordinated by the Joint Research Unit for AGroecology, Innovations and teRritories (AGIR), at the INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse and brings together a consortium of 33 partners and will start in January 2022 and end in 2026.

Published on 22 October 2021

illustration For more climate-neutral and climate-resilient farms across Europe

Supporting the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, contributing to the achievement of its objectives, the ClieNFarms project aims to demonstrate, evaluate and improve technical, organisational and financial solutions at the farm level that will contribute to achieving climate-neutrality of European agriculture by 2050. This will be done by a multi-actor approach, interactively integrating and improving existing solutions to achieve economically viable business models in farming systems by involving farmers, extension services, agrifood businesses, policymakers and citizens. These solutions will be disseminated, and young farmers will be targeted through capacity building.

The central operational focus of ClieNFarms is the case-study structure that will allow a strong empowerment of farmers and supply chain accompanied by a smooth dissemination and replication of the tested innovations. Called I3S (Innovative Systemic Solutions Space), the demonstration structure is based on demonstration farms, commercial farms, outreach farms and replicate farms all working together with the supply chain in a living-lab like structure approach.

ClieNFarms also intends to pave the way for combined biogeochemical (reduction in GHG missions, increase in C storage) and biogeophysical effects (increase in surface albedo, reduction in sensible heat flux and infrared radiation) in order to mitigate climate change more efficiently, without any negative impacts for food security or yield/product quality.

The project is vastly innovative as it aims to: (1) integrate different solutions to embrace mixed crop farming systems and animal production; (2) account for biogeophysical effects associated with changes in management practices in order to promote the synergies between the biogeochemical effects and the biogeophysical effects; (3) move from farm level to (eco)system level either through farm networks or by involving supply chains in a multi-actor designed process; (4) evaluate and validate integrative solutions and to develop the required financial incentives to engage farmers in the required transition.


ClieNFarms_PR.pdfpdf - 6.04 MB

Jacques-Eric Bergez project coordinatorAGIR


Dina Lopes head of communication for the projectConsulai


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H2020 GEroNIMO: thinking about the breeding of tomorrow

Within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 program, the “Genome and Epigenome eNabled breedIng in MOnogastrics” (GEroNIMO) project, involving teams from the Genetics, Physiology and Breeding Systems (GenPhySE) laboratory at the INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse center and the Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology (GABI) laboratory in Jouy-en-Josas, has been awarded 7 million euros over 5 years. This Europe-wide multi-actor project studies ways to improve genetic selection in animal breeding and to conserve genetic and epigenetic diversity, in order to provide new knowledge and perspectives to stakeholders, while taking into account current issues associated with sustainable development.

21 June 2021

Climate change and risks

Improving the robustness of pig production in the face of extreme weather events

Global warming is forecast to bring with it rising temperatures, heat waves and drought, all of which could have an impact on the vulnerability of pig production systems. How can we predict these effects in order to safeguard the competitiveness of farms, the incomes of farmers and the well-being of animals? With the help of simulations, the PIGCHANGE project has provided some initial answers for the pig sector.

10 June 2020

Society and regional strategies

Ici.C.Local, a system to serve regional food policies and strategies

Created by INRAE and the Grabels municipal council, Ici.C.Local is a participatory system which enables the simple labelling in food shops of local short-circuit products that comply with certain sustainability criteria. Protected by a brand name registered by INRA, this system is now entering a new stage, that of its deployment through the creation of a collective structure that will support local partners regarding its implementation.

25 October 2018