Agroecology 5 min

Winter colony survival: flowering catch crops and natural wooded habitats improve honeybee health

PRESS RELEASE - A study that brought together INRA, ACTA and ITSAP-Institute de l’abeille investigated the physiological mechanisms involved in overwintering survival in honeybees. Researchers demonstrated that vitellogenin, a protein with antioxidant properties, is associated with a 30% increase in the probability of overwintering survival. The quality of the environment where bees prepare for winter is a factor affecting the production of vitellogenin. Flowering catch crops planted by farmers in autumn and natural habitat–derived resources favour its production.

Published on 14 March 2017

illustration Winter colony survival: flowering catch crops and natural wooded habitats improve honeybee health

One of the direct impacts of agricultural intensification is that flora providing food resources to pollinators is becoming increasingly rare. Particularly in large-scale crop areas, the lack of resources at the end of the growing season may compromise the honeybee’s ability to amass the necessary honey and pollen reserves needed for the colony’s overwinter survival. To remedy this situation, beekeepers working in grain crop–producing areas often place beehives near late-flowering plants.

Overwinter survival rate in colonies with high-vitellogenin bees is approximately 90%

Restoring floral resources in major crop areas is thus decidedly important for bee colonies. The study, conducted by INRA in partnership with ACTA and ITSAP-Institute de l’abeille, made it possible to understand the physiological mechanisms involved when bees have access to these floral resources. In colonies close to flowering catch crops, bees had higher fat body mass, the necessary energy reserves for overwinter survival. They also had higher levels of vitellogenin, a strong antioxidant that promotes longevity. The improvement in bee health also increased the chance of successful colony overwintering. Colonies with low-vitellogenin bees have overwinter survival rates of 60%, whereas colonies with high-vitellogenin bees have overwinter survival rates of around 90%.

Researchers also demonstrated that when farmers plant intermediate crops producing nectar and pollen from September onwards — such as yellow and brown mustard, berseem clover, purple and common vetch, phacelia, and sunflower — the diversity of resources collected was increased, thusly contributing to overall bee health. The effect was even more significant when resources were gathered from natural environments such as hedges and forest margins.

The causal link between floral resources and bee health directly supports the need to preserve natural habitats in agricultural areas. In areas where natural habitats are scarce, appropriate management of intermediate crops can make it possible to align agricultural interests (nitrate sinks, soil erosion control) with bee protection.


INRAE Press Office


Cédric Alaux, Mickaël Henry, Fabrice AllierRU Bees and the Environment

Fabrice Allier ITSAP- Institut de l’abeille


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Bee pollination boosts the profitability of oilseed rape

PRESS RELEASE - Researchers from INRA and CNRS have shown for the first time that bee pollination surpasses the use of pesticides in yield and especially in profitability of oilseed rape. The team of researchers analysed data collected over four years in farmers’ fields in an agricultural plain in Deux-Sèvres (Nouvelle Aquitaine, western France). This study was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society London B on 9 October 2019.

20 December 2019


Tracking Asian hornets as they return to their nests: a method to control these dangerous honeybee predators

PRESS RELEASE - The Asian hornet Vespa velutina is an invasive species that arrived in France in 2004 and has since caused major damage to beekeeping. The current challenge is to try and control their population levels and thus reduce the pressure they exert on honeybee colonies. The most efficient measure at present is the earliest possible destruction of their nests, but the problem is how to locate them. INRA scientists and their colleagues at the University of Exeter in the UK have developed an original radio-telemetry technique which, by tracking these insects, enables the early detection of their nests. This work has just been published and offers a promising method for the control of Asian hornets.

16 December 2019


Mickaël Henry, the buzz behind the bee

After an extensive international academic career, Mickaël Henry, researcher extraordinaire, published more than 20 articles on behavioural and spatial ecology by the time he was 36. Recognised the world over as an authority on tropical bats, he has become a renowned specialist on bees since joining INRA. In 2012, he and his colleagues published a study in Science magazine demonstrating significant sub-lethal effects of certain active substances on bees. The study prompted authorities to revise procedures for the approval of pesticides.

04 December 2019