Agroecology 2 min

Improving welfare of farm animals

These studies have resulted in substantial impacts on the whole animal sector, either through new regulations, at national and European levels, or through the adoption of new equipment and practices, from birth to slaughter.

Published on 06 July 2022

illustration Improving welfare of farm animals

Thirty years of research dedicated to improving animal welfare

At the end of the 1980's, there was little consideration of animal welfare both on farms and in research, at least in France, which was late, compared to other European countries and had little influence in this field at international level.
Progressively, researchers have deployed extensive studies on animal welfare considering both animal performance and societal concerns, often facing doubts from stakeholders about the relevance of their work.
They have contributed to designing methods to assess welfare on farms or at slaughter and new practices to improve animal welfare. This research has raised awareness of numerous actors on the necessity and the potential benefits of considering animal welfare in livestock farming.

→  ASIRPA Report:

Learn more

Asking Animals: An Introduction to Animal Behaviour Testing

JUST PUBLISHED - Birte Nielsen, researcher in fundamental and applied ethology, offers in this book an introduction to the use of behavioural tests applied to animals. By including illustrative examples from various species, she invites the researcher to question the relevance of a given behavioural test and the interpretation of its results.

17 April 2020


Animal pain: identifying, understanding and minimising pain in farm animals

A collective scientific expert report on pain in farm animals has been compiled by INRA at the request of the French Ministries for Agriculture and Research. The scientific assessment brought together around twenty experts from INRA and other research establishments including Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Collège de France, CNRS and Veterinary Schools both in France and abroad. Their conclusions were made public on December 8, 2009.

03 March 2020

Society and regional strategies

The French equine industry prepares for the future

To assist equine industry professionals in preparing for the future, INRA and the French Horse and Riding Institute (IFCE) joined forces to examine upcoming challenges and opportunities for the next few years. Their aim is to not just assess current economic factors but to also improve services, knowledge and innovations. Their foresight study provides a number of scenarios with the various directions the French equine industry might take by 2030.

03 June 2020