Food, Global Health 2 min
New Industrial Chair: ProteinoPepS, unique expertise from field to fork
PRESS RELEASE - Led by Ingredia and INRAE, the ProteinoPepS project has been selected by the French National Research Agency (ANR) within the framework of the 2021 Industrial Chairs dedicated to partnership research. This financing mechanism is part of the “Economic impact of research and competitivity” component of ANR’s 2022 Action Plan*.
The ProteinoPepS Industrial Chair is co-financed by ANR and Ingredia to the tune of 1.33 million euros for four years. It allows for the recruitment of three CIFRE doctoral candidates, one project engineer, four years of post-doctoral students and eight masters.
Published on 23 September 2021
The goal of ProteinoPepS is to generate and transfer knowledge in order to master the transformation of dairy protein with a view to endowing it with new functional and/or biological properties.
This new Chair brings together an industrial player from the dairy sector, Ingredia, and two academic partners from the University of Lille: the UMET laboratory (Unité Matériaux et Transformations) and the BioEcoAgro Joint Cross-Border Research Unit[1]. The two labs are joint research units of INRAE, who is the host institution for the Industrial Chair.
Through this Chair, Ingredia intends to consolidate its position on the bioactive market with new qualified ingredients on the one hand, and develop new proteins for high-protein applications with health and nutrition benefits on the other.
The academic laboratories wish to bolster their expertise in research and training, thus adding value to previous R&D projects (protein structure, transformation processes and techno-functional and bioactive properties).
The ProteinoPepS Chair will therefore strengthen a long-standing research and development partnership between these three entities (ANR, ProteinoLab and AllInPep mixed unit team) focused on enhancing dairy proteins, a significant component of human diets the world over, with a market share of milk proteins mounting to 297,000 tonnes (CNIEL, 2019). The Chair is supported by Hauts-de France, the northernmost region of France, and has been labelled by the Clubster NSL (Nutrition Health Longevity competitivity cluster);
With the support of: |
[1] The UMET lab is a research unit with four supervisory bodies: the University of Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille and INRAE ( The joint Cross-Border Research Unit BioEcoAgro is a research unit under the supervision of INRAE and the Universities of Lille, Liège, and Amiens ( .