15 18 November 2022 Ended


EcotoxicoMic 2022 - International Conference in Microbial Ecotoxicology

Organized by the international network of microbial ecotoxicology EcotoxicoMic, initiated by INRAE, and the Rovaltain Foundation, this new edition of EcotoxicoMic aims to highlight emerging issues.

illustration EcotoxicoMic 2022 - International Conference in Microbial Ecotoxicology
© EcotoxicoMic

The dissemination in the environment of toxic compounds resulting from human activities leads to the urgent need of scientific information about their effects on human and ecosystem health. Reducing the toxic effects of these contaminants is a major challenge of the Anthropocene for which it is essential to improve our understanding of the fate of these compounds in the environment and their effects on living organisms. Microorganisms are essential to life on earth and play a vital role in the major biogeochemical cycles. They are major actors in the eco-dynamics of contaminants, through their role in their transport, transformation or degradation.

Main topics

  • Impact of contaminants on microbial diversity and functions
  • Microbial roles in contaminant fate and bioremediation
  • Microorganisms as tool for environmental risk assessment
  • Fate and impacts of antimicrobials in terrestrial and aquatic environments
  • Microorganisms as a tool to evaluate the efficiency of water treatment processes
  • Cell biosensors: from microorganisms to the systems applied to environmental issues

Several actions will be proposed to promote the participation of young researchers and to highlight their work. Finally, the opening towards a wider public will be done by the organisation of a free public evening open to all (in association with Pint of Science). 

INRAE participation

  • Dominique Patureau,  Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology and Stéphane Pesce, RU Functioning of hydrosystems - Riverly as member of the Organizing committee.
  • Chloé Bonnineau - RiverlyFabrice Martin-Laurent - RU Agroecology et Soizic Morin - RU Aquatic Ecosystems and Global Change, as members of the Scientific committee.

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