2 min

Prefect of Corsica visits INRAE

On the 16 July, André Torre, President of the INRAE research centre of Corsica welcomed Pascal Lelarge, Prefect of Corsica, Catherine Marcellin Deputy Director of the DRAAF (Direction Régionale de l’Alimentation, de l’Agriculture et de la Forêt) and Jean-Laurent Vellutini regional delegate of the DRARI (Délégation Régionale Académique à la Recherche et à l'Innovation).

Published on 30 July 2021

illustration Prefect of Corsica visits INRAE

The morning began with a general presentation of the INRAE Corsica Research Centre and its research topics by André Torre.  Olivier Pailly, Yann Froelicher and Jean Michel Sorba presented their research units and their research programmes. This was followed by discussions and questions and a visit to the laboratories on the San Giuliano site.

Photo 1: Yann Froelicher, Jean Laurent Vellutini, Catherine Marcellin, Pascale Lelarge, André Torre: Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants research unit (AGAP)

Yann Froelicher presents the insect-proof greenhouse which is dedicated to creating new plant varieties.

Photo 2: insect-proof greenhouse


And finally the visit to the citrus fruit collection (Citrus fruit Biological Collection).

Photo 3: visit to the Citrus Biological Collection, with Olivier Pailly of the Citrus Experimental Unit and Jean Michel Sorba SELMET- LRDE Corte



André TorrePresident of INRAE Corsica Research Centre
