Society and regional strategies

Participatory science and research at INRAE

INRAE and other French research institutes are currently carrying out a broad range of citizen science projects. This work aims to address consumers’ growing concerns about various health, dietary, and environmental issues. It also encourages exchanges between science and society, increasing the general public's understanding of how research is done.

Published on 21 February 2020

illustration Participatory science and research at INRAE

Signed in March 2017, the Charter for Participatory Science and Research states the following: "in participatory science and research, knowledge is actively produced in a structured manner through the efforts of researchers and everyday citizens working together individually or collectively."

INRAE has carried out more than 100 projects involving citizen scientists. The degree of participation varies greatly—from simply collecting data to actively contributing to the research. Regardless of the level of investment, these collaborative research efforts have strengthened ties between science and society. The result is two-fold: science that better addresses societal concerns and a society that better understands scientific approaches, limitations, and rigour.

The astounding diversity of INRAE's participatory research

INRAE’s participatory research takes many forms. There are dramatic differences in research subjects, questions, and methodologies; the degree of stakeholder involvement; stakeholder identity (e.g., research partners, industry professionals, amateur scientists, and students), and the products that result (e.g., articles, tools, genetic material, and regulatory recommendations). 

Producing knowledge in a new way  

Participatory research is a dramatically different method for producing and sharing knowledge. It requires that researchers clearly define the target of their work, establish a common lexicon, jointly specify the research questions, and develop explicit functional rules, including those related to usage rights. Researchers must also invest the time and resources needed to engage with partners over the longer term (e.g., recruit a collaborator with expertise in group management) and have access to funding sources that are specifically suited to participatory research.







Patricia Léveillé / Elodie RegnierAuthors


Christophe Roturier Head of Science in SocietyDipSO

Learn more

Climate change and risks

The launch of the first open-source smartphone application to monitor drying events in river networks

PRESS RELEASE - River networks are among Earth’s most threatened hotspots of biodiversity and are essential for human wellbeing. Climate change and increasing human water use are causing more rivers and streams to dry, but these drying river networks have received little attention. DRYvER is a Horizon 2020 project which will collect, analyse and model data from drying river networks across two continents—Europe and South America—to create a novel global meta-system approach that incorporates hydrology, socioeconomics, ecology and biogeochemistry in order to craft strategies, tools, guidelines, and recommendations for adaptive management of river networks.

28 September 2021

Society and regional strategies

Can school children support ecological research? First lessons from the “Oak Bodyguards” research project

PRESS RELEASE - Multiple research projects have recently included a citizen science component, encouraging the participation of citizens, amateurs and professionals, students of all ages, the general public, etc. Within the framework of the “Oak Bodyguards” project, which began in 2018, INRAE researchers have asked the help of middle and high school students from different European countries—from Portugal to Finland—to study oak resistance to insect herbivores along climatic gradient. This study focuses on one essential question: how reliable is the data collected by students in projects such as this one? Their first lessons were published on 18 Mars 2020 in Citizen Science: Theory and Practices. Researchers discovered that data provided by both untrained professional scientists and schoolchildren were biased, but that their bias could be corrected by adopting appropriate mitigation procedures. Once the bias has been identified and corrected, schoolchildren’s data can be taken into consideration and used to support new scientific research.

17 March 2020

INRAE committed to opening science to all

INRAE has long been involved in the open science movement. The creation of a Directorate for Open Science (DIPSO) on 1 January 2020 is evidence of its commitment. The Directorate is responsible for INRAE’s involvement in participatory research projects.

22 December 2020