Society and regional strategies 3 min

New Ruralities in France

Because of the mobility of people, goods, information and lifestyles, rural areas are experiencing profound change. The end of the rural exodus, the transformation of lifestyles and images attached to the countryside are contributing to the design of new areas and are the presage of renewed dynamism. One major aspect of the future of ruralities resides in the increasingly intricated relationships between rural and urban areas. More and more, agriculture is sharing space with residential zones and natural environments. The New Ruralities foresight study was designed to inform INRA's views on the possible future of ruralities by adopting a novel approach that involved a wide variety of actors and disciplines.

Published on 10 December 2008

illustration  New Ruralities in France

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Sami Bouarfa: using water more wisely

Sami Bouarfa studies all aspects of water with the G-eau water management research team: drinking water, water used in industry, nuclear power stations, agriculture, etc. The vital question is how can we use water as sparingly as possible?

19 December 2019

Society and regional strategies

French agricultural research and CGIAR reinforce their scientific collaboration to the benefit of agriculture, food and climate change

PRESS RELEASE - The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI, Paris), hosted the signature event of a joint declaration to reinforce scientific collaboration by Cirad, INRA, IRD, Irstea, Agreenium and CGIAR on the 22nd of March 2019 at the meeting of high-level officials of the International Commission for Agricultural Research (CRAI). Central to this declaration was the identification of joint actions that focus on three major scientific themes: agriculture and climate change, agroecology and nutrition and sustainable food system.

10 April 2020