Research at the INRAE Île-de-France - Versailles-Saclay centre

Our research is carried out in research or experimental units, technological or technical platforms spread over six geographical sites in Île-de-France. They are structured around heigt topics shared with the INRAE Île-de-France - Jouy-en-Josas - Antony centre and are linked to eleven INRAE scientific divisions.

The Centre’s units

The center's research is carried out in 19 research units and one experimental unit:

AcronymUnit namePresentation form
AGRONOMIEAgronomySee the AGRONOMIE form (pdf, 230 Ko)
BIOGERFungal Biology and Risk Management in AgricultureSee the BIOGER form (pdf, 211 Ko)
CMHCentre Maurice Halbwachs                                 -
ECOSYSFunctional Ecology and Ecotoxicology of AgroecosystemsSee the ECOSYS form (pdf, 266 Ko)
EPGV                                   -
GQEQuantitative Genetics and Evolution - Le MoulonSee the GQE form (pdf, 738 Ko)                           
iEES-Paris Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of ParisSee the IEES form (pdf, 396 Ko)                             
IJPB Jean-Pierre Bourgin InstituteSee the IJPB form (pdf, 697 Ko)  
IPS2Institue of Plant Sciences Paris-SaclaySee the IPS2 form (pdf, 153 Ko)                            
IRISSOInstitute for Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences                                   -
LISISInterdisciplinary Laboratory for Science, Innovation and Society                                   -
MIA-ParisApplied Mathematics and Computer Science See the MIA-Paris form (pdf, 134 Ko)
MoSARSystemic Modeling Applied to RuminantsSee the MoSAR form (pdf, 752 Ko)
PjSEParis Jourdan Economics See the PjSE form (pdf, 531 Ko)
PNCAPhysiology of Nutrition and Dietary Behavior                                   -
PSAEParis-Saclay Applied Economics                                   -
SADAPTScience for Action and Development; Activities, Products, LandscapesSee the SADAPT form (pdf, 223 Ko)
SayFoodParis-Saclay Food and Bioproduct Engineering                                   -
UE VS Versailles-Saclay Experimental UnitSee the UE VS form (pdf, 110 Ko)
URGIGenomic-Info See the URGI form (pdf, 598 Ko)


The locations of the units

The center's units are located at six different sites in four departments of the Île-de-France region: Paris (75), Seine-et-Marne (77), Yvelines (78) and Essonne (91).