Food, Global Health 2 min

A One Health approach to the management of the COVID-19 health crisis in the Toulouse region

PRESS RELEASE - The team of researchers in animal health economics from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (ENVT) and INRAE have analysed the costs and benefits associated with several COVID-19 management scenarios, by developing a model for evaluating lockdown exit strategies. This study was derived from methods used for livestock disease management. The study Individual Behaviors and COVID-19 Lockdown Exit Strategy: A Mid-Term Multidimensional Bio-economic Modeling Approach was published on 17 November 2020 in Frontiers in Public Health.

Published on 18 November 2020

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The stop-and-go strategy (targeted lockdown and lockdown lift) is proving to be the most effective in limiting both the economic losses and the effects of COVID-19 on public health. This “progressive precision” policy, close to the one which currently seems to be in force in France, is justified because it combines economic, public health and population well-being criteria.

In the case of the Toulouse metropolitan area, reducing economic activity to limit mortality related to virus circulation would have an economic impact ranging from 1.3 to 2.4 billion euros for a period of 2 years (in the absence of an available vaccine ). Such a strategy would also guarantee a minimum of societal well-being (partial lockdown).

However, in a context of non-compliance with barrier gestures, which would lead to the significant spread of the virus, reconciling the 3 criteria becomes impossible. In this case, societal well-being must be sacrificed (local lockdown measures, curfews and other restrictions) to save as many lives as possible and avoid the critical overload of hospitals. The model makes it possible to identify that the behaviour of individuals is the key parameter in the evolution of the situation and in the compromise between 3 criteria: mortality, hospital saturation and societal well-being.

These results show that the top priority for the management of the pandemic must be raising people’s awareness, through dissuasive (fines) or incentive (face mask distribution) measures, with a view to changing individual behaviour. They also show that the “no-lockdown” approach, as observed in some countries, is a suitable strategy if the spontaneous adoption of barrier gestures by the population has been established.

The approach adopted for this research work is in fact regularly used in animal health, in particular for the management of contagious diseases such as influenza, foot-and-mouth disease or African swine fever. The One Health initiative, which highlights the interactions between the actors of human and animal health, makes perfect sense here for an economic evaluation at the service of political decision-making.


Ahmed Ferchiou, Remy Bornet, Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson, Individual Behaviors and COVID-19 Lockdown Exit Strategy: A Mid-Term Multidimensional Bio-economic Modeling Approach, Front. Public Health, 17 November 2020 |


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Food, Global Health

Dealing with emerging diseases: rethinking how we monitor global health

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Food, Global Health

COVID-19: Tackling the Epidemic in 20 Research Projects

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12 March 2020

COVID-19: INRAE supports clinical research and hospitals

On Friday 20 March, INRAE launched an inventory of the human and material resources which it could put at the disposal of healthcare institutions and personnel. This inventory is being carried out under the supervision of the Presidents of INRAE’s research centres throughout France. More than 71,000 masks including 26,000 FFP2 & FFP3 masks, more than 2,300 litres of hydroalcoholic solution or equivalent, as well as glasses, head covers, gloves, shoe covers, disposable gowns and overalls have been collected. This initiative strengthens and coordinates local initiatives already in place and helps them meet the requests and requirements of the university hospitals and regional health agencies. At the request of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the initiative is conducted in coordination with our 4 partners: CNRS, INSERM, CEA, INRIA.

23 March 2020