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MACS-G20 in Brazil: INRAE and its Brazilian partners strengthen their research collaboration to meet the challenges of climate change and global food security

An INRAE delegation led by its CEO Philippe Mauguin travelled to Brazil to take part in the MACS-G20 from 12 to 16 May 2024. This meeting under Brazilian presidency of the G20's Agricultural Chief Scientists focused on the issues of sustainability, food security and climate resilience for a more just world and a sustainable planet. An opportunity for INRAE to strengthen and initiate new collaborative projects with its partners in Brazil, INRAE's 6th partner country outside the European Union in terms of scientific co-publications.

Published on 17 May 2024

illustration MACS-G20 in Brazil: INRAE and its Brazilian partners strengthen their research collaboration to meet the challenges of climate change and global food security
© MACS G20

Meeting of the G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists in Brasília, organised by Embrapa, INRAE's counterpart in Brazil

INRAE CEO Philippe Mauguin and INRAE vice-president of international research policy Jean-François Soussana attended the G20 2024 Agricultural Chief Scientists meeting in Brasília from 15 to 17 May, organised by Embrapa, INRAE's second partner in Brazil after the University of São Paulo. Each year, the MACS-G20 enables its members, ministerial representatives and agricultural research organisations, to discuss the agricultural research systems and development prospects of the G20 countries, in order to formulate recommendations ahead of the ministerial meetings and the G20 summit. In 2024, the fight against hunger, poverty and inequality, climate change and the reform of global governance are the three priorities set by the Brazilian presidency of the G20.

Philippe Mauguin took the opportunity to speak about the urgent need to speed up international scientific collaboration in the face of global climate impacts, at a time when dramatic floods have been hitting the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina in southern Brazil since April.

"Faced with extreme climatic events, the scientific community in France and around the world is increasingly developing research and innovation programmes on crop and livestock adaptation, the preservation of soil and water resources, and early warning systems. French research institutions are already involved in numerous global partnerships and international research initiatives dealing with these issues with multiple partners around the world."

Philippe Mauguin

Silvia Massruhá, president of Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária), and Philippe Mauguin signed the renewal of the framework cooperation agreement between the two institutes on the sidelines of the meeting. This agreement confirms the excellence of the international collaborations conducted since 2018 under the previous agreement, and will enable them to be continued and strengthened. It provides for scientific and technological cooperation in the fields of agriculture, livestock, forestry, the environment and natural resources, with the aim of increasing existing knowledge in the field of sustainable development. Embrapa has officially joined the Soil Carbon International Research Consortium (IRC), launched in 2023 by the ORCaSa project as part of the European Union's Soil mission and coordinated by INRAE. Embrapa’s research teams are already involved and contributing to the IRC.

Philippe Mauguin and Silvia Massruhá, president of Embrapa

Dynamic collaborations open up future research prospects for INRAE at the University of São Paulo

The University of São Paulo, one of Brazil's largest universities, is INRAE's leading partner in Brazil in terms of co-publications with almost 300 joint publications between 2017 and 2022 in the fields of food, ecology, the environment and plants. A meeting organised with the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ) and several faculties highlighted the dynamic collaborations between the two institutes. The renewal of the framework agreement between the University of São Paulo (USP) and INRAE strengthens bilateral cooperation in the fields of agriculture, food and the environment.

Paulo Nussenzveig, Provost for Research and Innovation at USP, and Philippe Mauguin

This meeting was also an opportunity to initiate, through a letter of intent signed with ESALQ-USP, the creation of an international associated laboratory (LIA) on biological interactions affecting plant health. It will involve INRAE, academic partners in France and the entomology and acarology department at ESALQ-USP.

Thaïs Vieira, director at ESALQ, and Philippe Mauguin

Future collaborative projects in Brazil could be initiated on the basis of these constructive exchanges, notably on biocontrol and carbon sequestration in agricultural soils, currently being studied by USP in the CCarbone project and developed internationally by the Soil Carbon IRC.

Meeting between the USP and INRAE

Formalisation of an international partnership between the public University of São Paulo and INRAE

A first cooperation agreement was signed between INRAE and the public University of São Paulo (UNESP), a major co-publication partner in Brazil for INRAE and one of the largest universities in Brazil, with 34 faculties spread over 24 cities in the state of São Paolo. This agreement formalises existing bilateral cooperation in the fields of agriculture, plant and animal sciences, food and the environment. It will enable the organisation of scientific mobility, the setting up of joint research projects and cooperation instruments, as well as joint participation in international research and training programmes, in close collaboration with INRAE's French academic partners, namely universities and schools.

UNESP and INRAE work together through their participation in broader international initiatives such as PREZODE, for the prevention of the emergence of zoonotic diseases, initiated by CIRAD, INRAE and the IRD, now bringing together 250 members on every continent. They also participate in the QUALYFOOD Global Alliance, alongside partners in Chile, Australia and the United States. These joint participations could be extended to other initiatives such as the bioeconomy with the Global Bioeconomy Alliance and the monitoring and preservation of tropical forests with the One Forest Vision initiative.

Signing of the framework agreement between Edson Cocchieri Botelho, Vice-President for Research at UNESP and Philippe Mauguin

Meeting with the public São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)

The mission of FAPESP, a public foundation funded by the taxpayer in the state of São Paulo, is to support research projects in higher education and research institutions in all fields of knowledge. A meeting with the INRAE delegation highlighted the intensity of INRAE's collaboration with partners in the state of São Paulo, as evidenced by the extensive cooperation conducted with UNESP and the Faculty for Public Health (FSP), and hence the strong potential for future cooperation with FAPESP. 

Five areas of cooperation were identified: carbon sequestration in soils; the digital transition in agriculture; fermentation, the prevention of emerging animal diseases and the preservation of tropical forests through Amazon + 10, which brings together the foundations of the Amazonian states, including French Guiana.

Jean-François Soussana, Marco Antonio Zago, president of FAPESP, and Philippe Mauguin


Ariane Lelahtranslated by Alessandra Riva


Jean-François Soussana vice-president of international policy, INRAE

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MACS-G20 in India: INRAE renews partnerships for the environment and food security

Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE, was in India from 17 to 21 April 2023 to represent France as its Chief Scientific Officer at the G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS). The trip was also an opportunity for INRAE to reiterate the importance of cooperation with its Indian partners. These long-standing partnerships on livestock farming and watershed management in India have led to structuring several innovative international research partnership schemes, including partners from the regional higher education and research ecosystem in France. This work has highlighted the outstanding ability of Indian agriculture to adapt to resilient, productive and sustainable systems. Ensuring food security and nutrition in India, in the context of major climate change challenges, while limiting health and environmental risks, is at the heart of our research priorities. They are developed in a living lab dedicated to the agroecological transition for food security, water and energy, based on a multidisciplinary approach and the implementation of results at the local level.

20 April 2023

10th Meeting of G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists: the French delegation led by INRAE

PRESS RELEASE – The 10th Meeting of G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) was held on 15 and 16 June 2021. The MACS, held yearly as part of the G20’s activities, are an opportunity to address the international dimension of scientific issues in agriculture and food systems. Philippe Mauguin, INRAE Chair & CEO, was asked by the French Ministries of Agriculture and Food and Higher Education, Research and Innovation to lead the French delegation.

28 June 2021


Launch of the Horizon Europe ORCaSa project: Global coordination of research and innovation on soil carbon

PRESS RELEASE - As a carbon sink or source – depending on pedoclimatic conditions and use – soils may represent a carbon reservoir that is two or three times larger than plant biomass or the atmosphere. Understanding this sequestration phenomenon is therefore crucial in terms of efforts towards mitigating climate change and improving agricultural soil quality. Following on from the 1st Coordination Action, CIRCASA , the European Commission is now funding ORCaSa through its Horizon Europe programme. ORCaSa aims to federate research efforts, share knowledge and prepare the foundations for an assessment system. Coordinated by INRAE and involving 12 international partners, ORCaSa is officially launched this autumn 2022, for three years.

27 October 2022