Agroecology 1 min

The giant faba bean genome finally sequenced

PRESS RELEASE - An international consortium, including INRAE researchers, has succeeded for the first time in assembling and annotating the sequence of the giant faba bean genome (4 times larger than the human genome). This cultivated legume, with its protein-rich seeds and no need for nitrogen fertilisers, offers many advantages for environmentally friendly farming systems. The study, published in Nature on 23 March, removes a barrier to the varietal selection of this species and will in particular make it possible to improve the performance of varieties with regard to climate change and pest pressure, as well as the regularity of yield and the nutritional value of the seeds.

Published on 23 March 2023 (date.last_update 24 March 2023)

illustration The giant faba bean genome finally sequenced
© INRAE - Sandie Barbot

Vicia faba L., commonly referred to as “faba bean” or “broad bean”, is known for its protein-rich seeds and its yield potential in agriculture. It is used for human consumption as well as for animal feed. It also provides much needed ecosystem services in the context of the transition to more sustainable farming systems. In particular, it is able to fix atmospheric nitrogen and acquire nutrients through beneficial interactions with soil bacteria or fungi, thus reducing the need for fertilisers.

Reconstructing the genome sequence of faba bean was a challenge as it consists of 13 billion nucleobases, at least 4 times larger than the human genome. The genetic information in faba bean is carried on only 6 pairs of chromosomes. Chromosome 1 (the longest) alone is the size of the 23 chromosomes in the human genome combined.

Recent advances in sequencing techniques have made it possible to obtain a high-quality assembly despite the richness of this genome in transposable elements, highly repeated and similar DNA sequences. An imbalance in the rates of amplification and elimination of some of these repeats has in fact been identified as the cause of the expansion in the size of the faba bean genome.

Through quantitative genetic approaches and mining of genome data, the consortium has for the first time identified the genes controlling traits of interest in this legume, such as seed size.

This now available new resource opens up new research prospects, in particular by comparing legume genomes with each other. In a context of high demand for plant proteins and changes in agricultural practices, it will also facilitate varietal selection for traits related to these issues.


Jayakodi, M., Golicz, A.A., Kreplak, J. et al. The giant diploid faba genome unlocks variation in a global protein crop. Nature (2023).

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The genome of the pea assembled for the first time

PRESS RELEASE - An international team* led by researchers from INRA and CEA succeeded in assembling the first sequence of the pea genome. This study, published on September 2, 2019 in Nature Genetics, will, in addition to increasing knowledge of this genome compared to that of other legumes, help to improve traits of interest for peas, such as disease resistance, regularity of yield and nutritional value.

10 December 2019

Food, Global Health

AlinOVeg, “Innovating in Plant-Based Food”: Launch of an ambitious collaborative project supported by the French Government as part of France 2030 and operated by Bpifrance

PRESS RELEASE - Roquette, Agri Obtentions, Eurial, Greencell, INRAE and the Université Lumière Lyon 2, have announced the launch of a collaborative project: AlinOVeg "Innovating in plant-based food". For the next five years, public and private stakeholders will work together on the challenges of innovation in plant-based food to develop a French plant-based source sector (pea and fava bean protein) and to offer healthy and sustainable alternatives to dairy products. This project is supported by a budget of €11.4M, of which €8.3M are provided by the French government as part of the France 2030 actions and operated by Bpifrance.

23 February 2023