Climate change and risks 2 min

The first global study to assess the extent of pharmaceutical pollution in rivers

PRESS RELEASE - Although medicines have improved human health and life expectancy, pharmaceutical residues cause pollution and impact the environment and living organisms. For the first time, a large-scale international study led by the University of York (United Kingdom), in which INRAE and more than 80 other research institutes participated, analysed pollution in 258 rivers in over 100 countries across five continents. Their results, published on February 14th in PNAS, show pharmaceutical contamination in all except three of the rivers studied, with levels that are potentially toxic to aquatic life in a quarter of those sites. The most polluted regions are in developing countries where pharmaceutical manufacturers are located or where wastewater treatment is inadequate.

Published on 15 February 2022

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When we take medicine, the residues are eliminated in wastewater and can end up in our rivers. Medicines are designed to have a precise action on humans, but they have unknown effects on other living organisms (fish and shellfish, microorganisms, plants, etc.) and can upset their biological functions and life cycles. 

The impact of pharmaceutical pollution is well documented in some areas of the world, such as North America, Western Europe and China, but there has never been a global study to determine the situation at a worldwide level. To address this knowledge gap, the University of York launched a vast study in 2018 in conjunction with 86 other institutes around the world to analyse samples from 258 rivers in 104 countries on five continents, including in 36 countries that had never been studied. The study included major rivers such as the Amazon, the Mississippi and the Mekong, with samples taken from sites in regions where modern medicine is not used (for example, a Yanomami village in Venezuela) as well as in some of the planet’s most populated cities, such as New York and Delhi. The samples were analysed for the presence of 61 common pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antihistamines, diabetes medicines, antidepressants and stimulants (such as caffeine).

Pharmaceutical contamination found in all rivers

During the study, 1052 samples were taken around the globe according to an identical protocol. One laboratory measured the pharmaceutical concentrations to analyse the degree of contamination in the rivers. The scale of the study offers a global view of this contamination, which was found in all the rivers and on all continents, although at varying concentrations and frequencies. The findings show that the degree of pollution in rivers correlates to the socio-economic conditions of the country: the most contaminated sites are lower-middle income countries and associated with areas with little to no infrastructure to treat domestic or pharmaceutical-industry wastewater. Some of the regions that had never before been studied (South America, sub-Saharan Africa and certain parts of southern Asia) are among those with the highest levels of pharmaceutical pollution. For example, researchers found high concentrations of pharmaceuticals in Pakistan (average concentration of 70.8 µg/L, with a maximum measurement of 189 µg/L) and Bolivia (average of 68.9 µg/L, with a maximum of 297 µg/L). The study also found that a quarter of the sites studied had potentially harmful levels of environmental contaminants, including two antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole and ciprofloxacin), an antihistamine (loratadine) and a drug used to treat hypertension (propranolol).

This study made it possible, for the first time, to have a truly representative overview of pharmaceutical pollution in the world’s rivers, including in countries for which little if any information was previously available. In the future, this approach could be applied to study living organisms or other environments such as soils to develop international pollution-monitoring networks.


John L. Wilkinson et al. Pharmaceutical pollution of the world’s rivers. PNAS February 22, 2022 119 (8) e2113947119;

Study conducted as part of the Global Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals Project

INRAE press office

Scientific contacts

Arnaud Chaumot RiverLy Research Unit – Ecotoxicology Lab

Jeanne Garric RiverLy Research Unit – Ecotoxicology Lab



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A sea of microplastic troubles: long-term ingestion harms growth and reproduction in fish

PRESS RELEASE - INRAE, Ifremer and the Universities of Bordeaux (France) and Orebrö (Sweden) have been studying the toll taken by lifelong exposure to toxic microplastics on key biological functions in fish. Two species of fish, one freshwater and the other marine, were exposed for a period of four months to different microplastics, some of which were coated with organic pollutants (spiked), while others were left unmodified (virgin). The team’s findings appear in the 5 August 2021 issue of the Journal of Hazardous Materials and reveal harmful impacts on both growth and reproduction for this extended experimental exposure period. How seriously the two core functions were affected depended on a number of variables including polymer type, presence or absence of organic pollutants, and length of exposure.

03 August 2021

Climate change and risks

Widespread decline of oxygen in lakes caused by climate change

PRESS RELEASE - Oxygen conditions in lakes of temperate regions are decreasing faster than in oceans. Climate change has been the main driver of this decline in lakes during the last four decades, threatening biodiversity and drinking water quality. These are the conclusions of an international study published on 2 June in Nature which was led by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA) and involved INRAE scientists. Since 1980, the oxygen concentrations in these aquatic systems have fallen by 5.5% in surface waters and 18.6% in bottom waters. This overall decline of dissolved oxygen in lakes has potential impacts on ecosystems, particularly habitats of complex life such as fish. Oxygen decline can also alter biogeochemical cycles*, notably by increasing the release of nutrients into water and greenhouse gases such as methane into the atmosphere. However, these impacts are site-dependent, and some lakes may not be significantly impacted.

03 June 2021

Climate change and risks

Using environmental scenarios to determine the world’s future

AllEnvi, the French national alliance for environmental research, has produced a study on possible future environmental scenarios based on a survey of major international foresight studies. The study tackled two issues: What do the scenarios look like and how long are their timelines? While future possibilities go from one extreme to another – from “Chaos” in the trajectories to “Positive Synergies” or environmental degradation and improvement – soil and water appear to face the most danger. These scenarios revealed major deficiencies with regard to seas, oceans, coastlines and forests that need to be quickly addressed.

23 January 2020