Biodiversity 2 min

Documenting plant organ development

PRESS RELEASE - Delving deeper into organ development requires long-term monitoring of organ growth. INRAE researchers thus designed a novel approach that they employed to characterise growing leaves. Over several weeks and using many plants, the scientists photographed more than 1,000 leaves at varying developmental stages. By applying targeted algorithms to the photographs, they were able to reconstruct the complete story of leaf development. Published on 3rd February in Quantitative Plant Biology, their results highlight specific key steps in leaf growth, knowledge that could guide future strategies for optimising plant growth in general. Their unique approach is easy to use and may be applied to all types of organs in plants and animals alike.

Published on 06 February 2023

illustration Documenting plant organ development
© INRAE - Jubault

In living organisms, development is a combination of multiple coordinated processes that interact in time and space over the course of growth. One false note in the delicate symphony can have catastrophic consequences. However, the precise score of this biological music is often a mystery to scientists. One solution is to use advanced microscopy techniques to observe organ growth in real time. The challenge is that such approaches are poorly suited to long-term monitoring. Furthermore, they can stress organs, disrupting development.

To address this issue, INRAE researchers developed a unique method that they have applied to plants. First, drawing upon numerous individual plants, scientists photograph leaves representing the range of developmental stages. Applying targeted algorithms to this photo catalogue, it is possible to assign an age to each leaf and reconstruct development over time. To help them in this task, the researchers exploit an open-source software programme—MorphoLeaf—which they developed in 2016 in collaboration with ENS de Lyon. The next step was to use the method to comprehensively document leaf development in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Over a period of several weeks, scientists collected leaves from hundreds of wild-type and mutant strains; the latter had genetic modifications affecting leaf shape. A major advantage of this method is its ease of implementation: it requires no sophisticated equipment. Indeed, a standard microscope was used to take pictures of the earlier developmental stages (leaf size < 0.1 mm), and a flatbed scanner was used for the later developmental stages (leaf size > 1 cm).

The images told a precise story of leaf development, clarifying key points in space and time that contribute greatly to development in general. Notably, the analysis revealed that wild-type and mutant plants may have identical early developmental trajectories that then diverge at specific later stages. This detailed understanding of plant development can inform future strategies for optimising plant growth. The researchers’ approach is extremely flexible and can be adapted to any organ type, including in animals. It could thus be a valuable tool in studies seeking to demystify organ and organismal development.


Mohamed Oughou, Eric Biot, Nicolas Arnaud, Aude Maugarny-Calès, Patrick Laufs, Philippe Andrey, and Jasmine Burguet. Model-based reconstruction of whole organ growth dynamics reveals invariant patterns in leaf morphogenesis. Quantitative Plant Biology, 4:e1, 1–11

Morpholeaf software:

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Plant reproduction: researchers unravel the role of a new membrane within pollen grain

PRESS RELEASE - While the reproduction process of flowering plants has been known for more than 120 years, there still remain many mysteries to unravel. Researchers from INRAE, ENS de Lyon, CNRS and Limagrain characterised a new membrane within pollen grain that surrounds the two sperm cells. In a publication in Journal of Cell Biology on 29 July 2021, the scientists show that this membrane is key to guarantee that the male reproductive cells remain intact during their journey toward the female flower, to ultimately form a viable seed. These seeds provide the major food source for humankind as well as staple food for livestock feed. This basic knowledge may be useful for the development of new plant varieties.

30 July 2021


First evidence that extracellular nanofilaments manipulate cell shape

PRESS RELEASE - Until now, it was thought that the shape of plant cells was determined only by the hydrostatic pressure within the cells exerted against the cell wall. INRAE ​​researchers, in collaboration with scientists from Cambridge University and Caltech / Howard Hughes Medical Institute, have discovered that the cell wall is an active participant in shaping plant cells. Published in the journal Science on February 27, 2020, these results also have implications in the animal world and could, in the future, inspire the development of new smart self-expanding materials.

28 February 2020


Jan Traas, the shape of things to come

Throughout his scientific career, Jan Traas has explored the mechanisms that determine the growth and differentiation of plant organs. He developed a groundbreaking approach with an integrative vision of this complex process. The 2015 INRAE Award for Scientific Excellence recognises the international impact his research has had on the field.

26 December 2019