Society and regional strategies 1 min

Agrimonde: Scenarios and Challenges for Feeding the World in 2050

This foresight study explores the possible futures of farming and food systems worldwide in 2050. The study should pinpoint the fundamental issues with which agricultural research will be faced in order to give CIRAD and INRA the means to forecast and prepare for the future in terms of public research systems and priorities as well as of their strategic position on an international level.

Published on 03 April 2009


> Download the Summary Report, December 2009, PDF (714 kO) :

Agrimonde Foresight - Summary

> Read the document “Agrimonde”, May 2008, PDF (1,76 MO) :

Agrimonde Foresight - Presentation

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Sami Bouarfa: using water more wisely

Sami Bouarfa studies all aspects of water with the G-eau water management research team: drinking water, water used in industry, nuclear power stations, agriculture, etc. The vital question is how can we use water as sparingly as possible?

19 December 2019

Society and regional strategies

French agricultural research and CGIAR reinforce their scientific collaboration to the benefit of agriculture, food and climate change

PRESS RELEASE - The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI, Paris), hosted the signature event of a joint declaration to reinforce scientific collaboration by Cirad, INRA, IRD, Irstea, Agreenium and CGIAR on the 22nd of March 2019 at the meeting of high-level officials of the International Commission for Agricultural Research (CRAI). Central to this declaration was the identification of joint actions that focus on three major scientific themes: agriculture and climate change, agroecology and nutrition and sustainable food system.

10 April 2020


Corsica: seeing the future in citrus

INRA-Corsica, with support from the DEPE, recently conducted a foresight study on the citrus fruit sector. Five scenarios served as the basis for different forward-looking perspectives and related risks and opportunities by the year 2040. Short, 2-minute films were made to provide stakeholders with a useful overview of hypotheses and possible choices for the future.

13 December 2019