23 29 June 2024 Ended
Stockholm, Sweden
XXVI IUFRO World Congress
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the City of Stockholm in close collaboration with the Nordic and Baltic partners, welcome delegates from all over the world to Stockholm 2024 under the theme Forests and Society Towards 2050.
The IUFRO World Congress is one of the largest global forest events, held every five years since 1893. The congress gives a unique opportunity to gather worldwide leading scientists and top leaders to contribute and co-create for a sustainable future within Forestry, Climate and Society.
By 2050, drastic changes are expected through population growth, climate change, globalization and a growing world economy, thus putting tremendous pressure on forests and their governance. 2050 is a landmark year to achieve the vision of Living in Harmony with Nature of the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as the target of net zero emissions. With a focus on forest contribution to the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals (SDG), the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm 2024 will help streamlining the forest research agendas, furthering dialogues and cross-sector collaboration, and promoting the multi-functionality of forests and their services..
- THEME 1: Strengthening forest resilience and adaptation to stress
- THEME 2: Towards a responsible forest bioeconomy
- THEME 3: Forest biodiversity and its ecosystem services
- THEME 4: Forests for sustainable societies
- THEME 5: Forests for the future
The Union's field of scientific activity is spread over a number of Divisions. The main function of Divisions is to support researchers in collaborative work and provide an organizational link among Research Groups and their associated Working Parties and also between these Groups and the IUFRO Board..
With the participation of :
- Sandra Luque, Territories, Environment, Remote Sensing and Space Information RU and Alexia Stokes, Botany and modeling of plant and vegetation architecture RU, as coordinator of the Forest environment Division.
- Santiago C. González-Martínez, Biodiversity, Genes and Communities RU as coordinator of the Physiology and Genetics Division.
- Olivier Brendel, Silva unit; Myriam Heuertz, Biogeco unit; Ivan Scotti and Caroline Scotti-Saintagne, Mediterranean Forest Ecology Research Unit (URFM) for the Physiology and Genetics Division ;
- Marielle Brunette, Office of Theoretical and Applied Economics for the Forest Operations Engineering and Management Division ;
- Jean-Michel Leban, Biogeochemistry of Forest Ecosystems Unit for the Forest Products Division;
- Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg and Christelle Robinet, Forest Zoology Unit;
- Thomas Boivin, URFM; Pascal Frey, Tree-Microorganism Interactions Unit; Hervé Jactel, Biogeco unit for the Forest Health division ;
- Frederic Berger, Laboratory of Mountain Ecosystems and Societies;
- Bastien Catagneyrol, Biogeco unit; Barry Gardiner, Pierroton Forest Experimental Unit; Frederic Gosselin and Marion Gosselin, Forest Ecosystems Unit for the Forests and Environment Division ;
- Erwin Dreyer, Silva unit for the Forest Policy and Forest Economics Division.
When French research organisations including INRAE promote a holistic approach to forests and provide their expertise to the EU to help design public policies adapted to a changing environment