31 December 2021 29 June 2022 Ended


INRAE’s participation in the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

During the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, INRAE is involved in a number of events. They will be the opportunity to share our collaborative and pluridisciplinary research efforts, carried out at the national, European and international levels in order to respond to global major challenges.

illustration INRAE’s participation in the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

INRAE is organizing two events

  • Febuary 11, online: PREZODE - Joining forces to escape the era of pandemics

Launched in 2021 during the One Planet Summit on Biodiversity, the PREZODE international initiative and its partners presented the European challenges identified through one year of co-construction workshops organized around the world in 2021.

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  • June 2-3, Dijon, France: Towards Pesticide Free Agriculture - What research to meet the pesticide reduction objectives embedded in the European Green Deal?

Organized with the French National Research Programme "Growing and Protecting Crops Differently" (Cultiver et Protéger Autrement) and the European Research Alliance “Towards a Chemical Pesticide-Free agriculture”, the European scientific conference will bring together researchers and professionals from all over Europe to discuss the latest research results to pave the way towards 0 pesticides in agriculture.

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INRAE's agenda during the 2022 French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

  • February 7, Colmar, visit of the INRAE research centre in Colmar by European Ministers of Agriculture and the European Commissioner for Agriculture
  • March 21, Paris and online: Civic engagement in the European Union Missions for Horizon Europe research and innovation programme

In parallel to the debates that will take place during the high-level conference on civic engagement in the European Union's Missions, organized by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, a civil society and research forum will be held in which concrete examples of civic engagement in research will be presented.

Jean-François Soussana, INRAE Vice-President of International Policy and member of the board on soils, will coordinate the workshop - A pact for healthy soils in Europe: 100 "living laboratories" and "flagship labs" to lead the transition to healthy soils by 2030.

During the forum, INRAE and Afes will host a stand dedicated to soils and participatory science and research.

  • March 22, Paris and online: Epidemiological surveillance platforms

As part of the seminar on epidemiological surveillance platforms in animal health, plant health and surveillance of the food chain, organised by the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Sylvie Malembic-Maher from INRAE, will present the plant health epidemiological surveillance platform (ESV): the surveillance of grapevine decline.

  • June 13, One Health - Rethink tomorrow's livestock farming