06 10 November 2022 Ended


ICWS 2022 - International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control

Organised by INRAE and INSA Lyon, this conference is a global forum for discussion and knowledge sharing on the state of the art in scientific and practical development and implementation of natural and constructed wetlands and other nature-based solutions for providing water quality improvement and other co-benefits and ecosystem services.

illustration ICWS 2022 - International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control

This conference is part of the IWA Specialist Group “Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control” conference series, which is a bi-annual conference series that acts as a global forum for discussion and knowledge sharing on the state of the art in scientific and practical development and implementation of natural and constructed wetlands and other nature-based solutions for providing water quality improvement and other co-benefits and ecosystem services.

Conference topics

  1. Wetlands in Urban Environments
  2. Wetlands for Water Reuse and Resource Recovery
  3. Intensified Wetlands
  4. Emerging Contaminants
  5. Wetland Co-benefits and Multifunctionalities
  6. Wetland Process Understanding and Modelling
  7. Wetlands for Water Pollution Control
  8. Monitoring and Remote Sensing of Wetlands
  9. Wetland Conservation and Restoration
  10. Climate Change and Adaptation

INRAE participation

  • Jaime Nivala, RU Reduce, reuse, recover wastewater resources - REVERSAAL, as co-chair of the Organizing Committee
  • Pascal Molle, Jean-Marc Choubert, Florent Chazarenc - REVERSAAL, as members of the Organizing Committee
  • Laura Delgado-González - REVERSAAL,  as member of the Programme Committee
  • Nicolas Forquet - REVERSAAL,  as member of the Scientific Committee.

More information