Paris International Agricultural Show 2022

The Paris International Agricultural Show which will be held from 26 February to 6 March 2022 is an important occasion for discussions and meetings with our partners. On the programme: our research and expertise on water resources and local water management, a seminar on digital technology in agriculture, and a prize ceremony recognising two participatory science research projects. You can follow our workshops and professional talks live on our daily broadcasts.

At a glance

Our stand: Water and climate research in action

Water: a vital resource

Global change poses a threat to both the quantity and quality of water to which we have access. How can we better manage this vital resource to support our agriculture, food production and ecosystems? How can we better plan for and manage the related risks?

> See the latest on our research, presented at our stand, Hall 4 B 091.
Come and talk to our scientists!


We have a full itinerary for you:

  • Visualise the water cycle as it moves through the soil, plants and the living world, and learn about the process of wastewater recycling. 
  • From satellite data to spectrometers, digital models, apps and more, discover the tools we use to understand, monitor and manage natural risks such as floods and avalanches.
  • Dams, dykes, irrigation systems and wastewater treatment stations are just part of the many ways water can be managed locally. See how water can be better managed and shared among stakeholders through our videos, quizzes and serious games.


Our international partnerships in the spotlight

Monday 28 February 2 pm – 3 pm Presentation of COSTEA – an international project on irrigated agriculture.
Sami Bouarfa, INRAE research director will be on the AFD stand

Tuesday 1 March 11 am - 12 pm One Health and food security: interconnection and issues
The PREZODE initiative, on the CIRAD-AFD stand
Actions to prevent the risks of disease emergence are closely linked to issues surrounding food security and sustainable food systems in many world regions. What are these links? How does preventing these risks impact on food security and health in territories? How can and should the PREZODE initiative take account of these global aspects in order to prevent risks within healthy socio-ecosystems? Policy and scientific experts will debate these key questions.

Thursday 3 March 10 am – 12.15 pm Transforming food systems and agriculture through research in partnership with Africa
Hall 1, ESPACE 2000, on invitation, in partnership with CIRAD

Every day at 1 pm from Saturday 26 February to Thursday 3 March

A scientist from INRAE and an expert from the Institut Paul Bocuse will whip up a tasty recipe during a live broadcast of the workshop ‘The flavour of science’ on our stand.

On the menu: learn how to balance animal- and plant-based proteins, how children develop their food preferences, how to meet the dietary needs of seniors and more.


Left: Davy Tissot, Bocuse d'Or 2021, prepares a recipe with fermented tomato: "tomato bonbon".


Digital agriculture and AgTech

This themed seminar will be held on 1 March from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm in Hall 1 – Salle Espace 2000.
You can also watch online from our French page.

Digital agriculture is often reduced to the idea of precision agriculture, which entails managing production systems more accurately by working on smaller spatial scales and using instantaneous data. Digital technologies certainly make this possible, but they open the door to a much larger range of possibilities. Thanks to technological and organisational advances, digital technologies can support major change in many ways by making the invisible visible, by detecting new patterns using artificial intelligence, by reducing data asymmetries along value chains and by offering new automation capabilities (robotics). With digital technologies, we can imagine new agricultural models, explore the status of data and consider the effects on the roles of the various research, development and innovation stakeholders. Given this huge field of possibilities, AgTech abounds with initiatives and ideas.

This seminar will offer a broad look at digital technologies in agriculture through discussions of work by researchers and doctoral students, talks by research and innovation managers, and the presentation of a white paper co-authored by INRAE and Inria.

Register now

Every day, professional talks will be held on different themes such as food security, renewable energy and more.

Participatory science awards ceremony

Friday 4 March, 10 am – 12.30 pm Awards ceremony at the INRAE stand

Today, INRAE and other research organisations have developed an array of participatory science activities. These initiatives address the ever-increasing concerns of citizens with regard to their food, environment and health, and they support dialogue between science and society while enhancing understanding of the scientific method.

Participatory science is a major part of INRAE’s commitment to open science.

For the first time, INRAE will be handing out a prize to recognise two participatory science projects with a strong societal impact.


Watch the daily live broadcast of ‘The flavour of science’ workshops and our professional talks at the Paris International Agricultural Show on our page in French.

Stay in the loop and follow us on social media #INRAESIA2022:

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Career information

We’re currently hiring young researchers and need to fill many other research and research-support positions. Come and talk to our RH staff at our stand to find out more.

You can also visit our educational farm, where INRAE scientists (veterinarian, ethologist) will discuss a topic and answer your questions about their research and work.

The flavour of science: on the programme

26 February to 3 March, from 1 pm to 1.30 pm: conference/tasting at the INRAE stand.
You can also watch the live broadcast online from our page in French.

Saturday 26 February: Farm to fork: micronutrients for health
by Jean-François Landrier, INRAE, and Davy Tissot, Chef (Bocuse d’Or 2021 winner)

Sunday 27 February: Science and innovation for taste and nutrition
by Lucia Espinosa-Brisset, INRAE, and Agnès Giboreau, Institut Paul Bocuse

Monday 28 February: How to eat a balanced diet for good health
by Marie-Caroline Michalski, INRAE, and Anestis Dougkas, Institut Paul Bocuse

Tuesday 1 March: Meeting seniors’ dietary needs
by Claire Sulmont-Rossé, INRAE, and Maxime Michaud, Institut Paul Bocuse

Wednesday 2 March: Taste and food preferences in children
by Sophie Nicklaus, INRAE, and Jérémie Lefraire, Institut Paul Bocuse

Thursday 3 March: Balancing animal- and plant-based proteins: innovations to encourage people to eat more legumes
with François Mariotti, INRAE, and Julien Ferretti, Institut Paul Bocuse

Professional talks: Programme

Sunday 27 February

3 pm – 4.30 pm Training through research... then what?
Discussion among researchers, postdoctoral fellows and university students, organised by INRAE, AgroParisTech and L’institut Agro.
Speakers: Anne-Marie Hattenberger, Guilhem Bourrié, Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré, Constant Lecoeur, members of the French Academy of Agriculture.

Monday 28 February 

11 am – 12.30 pm Combating food insecurity or promoting sustainable food security?
in partnership with Terra Nova and AgroParisTech
2 pm – 3.30 pm Change of scale of
Organic farming
INRAE and the Agence Bio, together to face this major challenge
4 pm – 5.30 pm Advances in research under the French National Plan for Research and Innovation (PNRI) against beet yellows virus,
in partnership with the ITB

Tuesday 1 March 

10 am – 11.30 am How INRAE and the French water agencies support the quality of water resources,
in partnership with the Adour-Garonne regional water agency
11 am - 12 pm One Health and food security: interconnection and issues
The PREZODE initiative, on the CIRAD-AFD stand
2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
SEMINAR: Digital Agriculture and AgTech (HALL 1), in partnership with Inria.
Wednesday 2 March

10 am – 12 pm Agriculture, water and climate change
in partnership with ACTA
2 pm – 3.30 pm Agrivoltaics: synergy to support farms
in partnership with Ademe
4 pm – 5.30 pm
The French Territoires d’innovation scheme: what’s new three years on?   
Thursday 3 March

9.30 am – 10.30 am Awards ceremony for the winners of the DicoAgroécologie competition, with Agreenium
10 am – 12.30 pm Transforming food systems and agriculture through research in partnership with Africa, co-organised with CIRAD (HALL 1, on invitation)
11 am – 12.30 pm
Shopping for food tomorrow: scenarios for the future
2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Presentation by Quae of two books: De l’œnologie à la viticulture (From Winemaking to Viticulture and Les productions fruitières à l’heure du changement climatique (Fruit Production in Times of Climate Change)   
Friday 4 March 

10 am – 12.30 pm Participatory science awards ceremony
2 pm – 3.30 pm
Agriculture and biodiversity: the role of landscapes,
in partnership with the OFB


The objective of the Educational Farm, organized by the Syndicat National des Vétérinaires d’Exercice Libéral (SNVEL), is to present to the general public the interactions of the various professional actors within the livestock industry.

On Monday 28 February and Tuesday 1 March, on the 300 m² stand of the Educational Farm, INRAE scientists will explain how they work on a daily basis in the livestock sector. Find out more about the two conferences on animal health (in French).