Agroecology 2 min
OLMIX and INRAE: a global partnership for the promotion of algae in sustainable farming systems and plant production
PRESS RELEASE - On February 25, 2020, Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE and Hervé Balusson, CEO of Olmix group, signed a first framework agreement which aims at strengthening their collaboration in the fields of both environment and animal nutrition and health with the shared objective of developing sustainable and economically viable agricultural food systems.
Published on 25 February 2020
The value chain for marine algae is expanding. The growing interest it triggers comes from the nutritional quality of algae and their richness in bioactive molecules which make them potentially usable both in the field of human and animal food and in the field of plant nutrition and health. Olmix and INRA (INRAE after the merger with Irstea on January 1st, 2020) have had an ongoing and fruitful research partnership since 2012. The aim of this collaboration was to evaluate the effect of different compounds rich in marine sulfated polysaccharides on a wide range of biological activities able to improve production performance and the resistance of animals to infections. The research performed in vitro and in vivo highlighted that some of the tested extracts could be efficiently used in feeds as natural products to stimulate the immune response of livestock animals, protect the mucous membranes from pathogens and reduce the use of medical products on farms.
Olmix and INRAE share the same vision of the agricultural and food needs for the future. This contract allows to align the priorities as far as research, innovation and economic benefits are concerned. It also gives an opportunity to diversify interactions around the interest of algae extract use in both animal and plant health sectors:
- Impact of algae extracts on nutrition and health of farm animals, aquaculture sector and on food product quality, in an antibiotic-free approach (identification of biological markers and mechanisms of action).
- Research on algae extracts composition, structure and link with their biological activities
- Identification of active ingredients and their mode of action on plant nutrition and health.
- Sustainable plant production routes, incorporating innovative algae-based crop protection strategies, linked to soil health.
“This framework agreement allows us to strengthen our already solid collaboration in the sector of nutrition and health of farm animals and to diversify our collaboration in the plant nutrition and health sector. This is a great example of partnership with the industry that our research institute is keen to develop, to accelerate the development of innovative products that respect the soil and the environment." Philippe Mauguin, CEO of INRAE
“This framework contract is both a recognition of our work with INRAE and an incentive to strengthen it. For 20 years, Olmix has been developing algo-based solutions with one objective: to provide economically viable solutions to farmers, for them to produce healthy and sustainable food." Hervé Balusson, CEO of Olmix.