Agroecology 2 min

Launch of GrapeBreed4IPM, a European project for sustainable solutions in viticulture

PRESS RELEASE - Viticulture is one of the largest agri-food export sectors in the European Union. Given the economic and cultural importance of wine in Europe, supporting the sector in a transition to new practices is essential to ensuring its viability in the coming decades. The development of disease-resistant grapevine varieties and consumer perception lie at the heart of the Horizon Europe “GrapeBreed4IPM” project*. Coordinated by INRAE, this four-year project brings together 19 partners and two affiliated partners from seven countries to develop decision-making tools for grapevine professionals that will help them sustainably manage their vineyards in adherence with European standards.

Published on 07 May 2024

illustration Launch of GrapeBreed4IPM, a European project for sustainable solutions in viticulture
© INRAE - Christophe Maître

This project aims to develop disease-resistant grapevine varieties that are adapted to local environmental and pedoclimatic conditions to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides. It will also study consumer perceptions of the new resistant varieties and their resulting wines, which remain less familiar than traditional varieties. The project will also provide farmers, winegrowers and advisers with best practices and guidelines for integrated pest management in order to promote more environmentally friendly and sustainable viticulture in Europe.


The project has five objectives:

  1. Co-design a shared approach with stakeholders along the value chain in different European regions
  2. Lead in-depth research for a better understanding of the molecular basis behind vulnerability and resistance of grapevine to pathogens and how it interacts with its environment 
  3. Develop traditional breeding programmes for new disease-resistant varieties in partnership with local stakeholders
  4. Lead research to develop emblematic varieties that maintain traditional characteristics in wine but are also disease resistant
  5. Design and share decision-making tools and best practices to optimise growing practices adapted to resistant varieties.

 * GrapeBreed4IPM = Multi-actor grapevine innovation targeting breeding for integrated pest management. 

Launch of the GrapeBreed4IPM project on 11-12 April 2024; Université de Haute-Alsace in Colmar..

GrapeBreed4IPM information sheet

Launch: 1 April 2024.

Duration: Four years

Budget: €5.6 million (€5 million from the European Union and €600,000 from the Swiss government via an affiliate partner).

Coordinator: INRAE

Partners: 18

Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI, Germany); Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM, Italy); Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin (IFV, France); Ministeriums für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg (WBI, Germany); INRAE Transfert (IT, France); Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen (HWG, Germany); Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo (VCR, Italy); Horta (Italy); Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau (DLR, Germany); Plataforma Tecnológica del Vino (PTV, Spain); Comité National des Interprofessions des Vins à appellation d'origine et à indication géographique (CNIV, France); Neiker - Instituto Vasco de investigaciones agrarias (Neiker, Spain); Mercier Frères (Mercier, France); Verband Deutscher Rebenpflanzguterzeuger e.V. (VDR, Germany); Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung pilzwiderstandsfähiger Rebsorten (PIWI Int, Austria); Istituto di Genomica Applicata (IGA, Italy); Moët Hennessy (France); Institut za Primeneu Nauke u Poljopriverdi (Serbia).

Affiliate partners: 2
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL, Switzerland), Union de Coopérative Foncalieu (Foncalieu, France)

GrapeBreed4IPM project has received funding from the European Union in the framework of the Horizon Europe funding programme under the grant number 101132223.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”



INRAE Press Office

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Komlan Avia Project Coordinator Joint ResearchGrapevine Health and Wine Quality (SVQV)


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Climate change and risks

Adapting winegrowing regions to climate change through crop diversification

PRESS RELEASE - Climate change is severely impacting agriculture and the environment in multiple ways, and it could jeopardize wine production worldwide. A new study, carried out by an international team of researchers, including experts from INRAE and the Bordeaux Sciences Agro Institute*, and published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that 56% of the world’s winegrowing regions could disappear under a 2 °C warming scenario, a number that could rise to 85% if warming reaches 4 °C. However, increasing winegrape diversity within vineyards could halve the potential losses of winegrowing regions in the first scenario and cut losses by a third in the second.

27 January 2020

Climate change and risks

LACCAVE: a ten-year research partnership to adapt viticulture to climate change

PRESS RELEASE - LACCAVE, a ten-year research project on the adaptation of viticulture to climate change, is coming to an end. Initiated in 2012, the project involved some 100 researchers to study conditions in which the French wine industry can be adapted to climate change. It was financed and coordinated by INRAE, and carried out in partnership with the CNRS, several French universities, including Montpellier SupAgro and Bordeaux Sciences Agro agronomy schools, as well as the major professional organizations in the sector: the INAO, FranceAgrimer, the Chambers of Agriculture, the IFV, and interprofessional and appellation unions. LACCAVE was officially brought to a close in Montpellier with a scientific seminar (24-26 November) and a series of conferences and participatory workshops at the SITEVI agricultural trade fair (30 November-2 December). The findings of the researchers in attendance underline the fact that the impacts of climate change on vineyards are increasing. Nevertheless, solutions for adaptation are available if average temperature increases are contained to less than 2°C and if the joint mobilisation of the industry, public authorities and research continues.

07 December 2021

Climate change and risks

A global map of how climate change is changing winegrowing regions

PRESSE RELEASE - INRAE, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, CNRS, Université de Bordeaux and Université de Bourgogne have analysed trends to come in current and developing winegrowing regions around the world to adapt wine production to climate change. The results of the study, published in Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, show that some 90% of coastal and low-altitude regions in southern Europe and California may no longer be able produce good wine in economically sustainable conditions by the end of the century if global warming exceeds +2°C. Other regions, however, could benefit: growing potential could increase in areas such as northern France and British Columbia (Canada), and rising temperatures could result in the development of new growing regions in countries as far as Denmark.

26 March 2024