Climate change and risks 2 min

Debate: Agriculture vs. climate change

Debate to watch – Euronews #ClimateNow live debate on July 6, 2022 brought together a panel of experts to discuss the effects of climate change on agriculture and how to prepare our agricultural systems to its growing consequences. Christian Huyghe, Scientific Director of Agriculture at INRAE, was on the panel of experts interviewed.

Published on 11 July 2022

illustration Debate: Agriculture vs. climate change
© INRAE B. Nicolas

Can we feed the world with a warmer planet? This was the question asked to the panel of experts in the Euronews debate on July 6, 2022.

Panel composition

Dr Carlo Buontempo, Director, Copernicus Climate Change Service
Carolina Wackerhagen, Project Coordinator, Lake Constance Foundation
Christian Huyghe, Scientific Director of Agriculture, INRAE
Wijnand Sukkel, Senior Researcher in Agroecology, Wageningen University

Highlights of the debate

watch the full debate


Christian Huyghe, who was part of the panel, reminded us that we need to consider the whole picture when it comes to the consequences of climate change on agriculture. How do we change the entire cropping system? “We need to redesign the  cropping system which means dramatic change for farmers and for the supply chain“, he said.


Where are the solutions? Crop diversification: “by combining crops we can reduce the impact on the environment”.



The consequences of climate change in France on wine crops


Christian Huyghe explained that the dates of yearly wine harvests suddenly changed in 1980, happening in some places as early as 4 weeks earlier than previously. This implies higher degrees of alcohol, changes in taste, but also the need to invest in additional equipments such as cooling systems, while earlier blooming is causing more exposure to late frost.


In a world with 1,5°C more, in addition to the impacts of temperatures on crops and animals, he warned about the growing risks of pest and disease.



Read Euronews debrief


Ariane LelahAuthor


Christian Huyghe Scientific Director of Agriculture, INRAE

Learn more

Climate change and risks

LACCAVE: a ten-year research partnership to adapt viticulture to climate change

PRESS RELEASE - LACCAVE, a ten-year research project on the adaptation of viticulture to climate change, is coming to an end. Initiated in 2012, the project involved some 100 researchers to study conditions in which the French wine industry can be adapted to climate change. It was financed and coordinated by INRAE, and carried out in partnership with the CNRS, several French universities, including Montpellier SupAgro and Bordeaux Sciences Agro agronomy schools, as well as the major professional organizations in the sector: the INAO, FranceAgrimer, the Chambers of Agriculture, the IFV, and interprofessional and appellation unions. LACCAVE was officially brought to a close in Montpellier with a scientific seminar (24-26 November) and a series of conferences and participatory workshops at the SITEVI agricultural trade fair (30 November-2 December). The findings of the researchers in attendance underline the fact that the impacts of climate change on vineyards are increasing. Nevertheless, solutions for adaptation are available if average temperature increases are contained to less than 2°C and if the joint mobilisation of the industry, public authorities and research continues.

07 December 2021

Climate change and risks

Adapting winegrowing regions to climate change through crop diversification

PRESS RELEASE - Climate change is severely impacting agriculture and the environment in multiple ways, and it could jeopardize wine production worldwide. A new study, carried out by an international team of researchers, including experts from INRAE and the Bordeaux Sciences Agro Institute*, and published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that 56% of the world’s winegrowing regions could disappear under a 2 °C warming scenario, a number that could rise to 85% if warming reaches 4 °C. However, increasing winegrape diversity within vineyards could halve the potential losses of winegrowing regions in the first scenario and cut losses by a third in the second.

27 January 2020


Crop diversification enhances yields, biodiversity and ecosystem services

PRESS RELEASE - This is the outcome of a large-scale synthesis review conducted by a Franco-Dutch research team, including a compilation of the results of 95 meta-analyses, 5,156 studies and 54,554 experiments spanning 85 years and representing more than 120 crop species in 85 countries. Crop diversification was found to enhance crop production by 14% and associated biodiversity by almost 25%. Water quality was improved by 50%, pest and disease control by over 63% and soil quality by 11%. The authors—scientists from CIRAD, INRAE and VU University Amsterdam—distinguished between the diversification strategies implemented, while highlighting the excellent performance of agroforestry-based systems.

01 July 2021