21 June 2022 9h - 17h Ended

Vanel Spaces in Toulouse, France

TWB START-UP DAY 2022 - Microorganisms: the next frontier

The 5th edition of the TWB START-UP DAY "Microorganisms: the next frontier" will be held on 21 June 2022, at Vanel Spaces in Toulouse, France. The program of the day will consist in keynotes, two thematic sessions: "Cell based products" & "Microbiota", two pitch contests (TWB Awards 2022) and BtoB meetings to build partnerships between the key players and experts from the biotech start-up business ecosytem.

illustration TWB START-UP DAY 2022 - Microorganisms: the next frontier

 This event aims to bring together in the field of industrial biotechnologies: start-uppers seeking to expand their business activity, entrepreneurs wishing to develop an innovation, investors and industrials looking for disruptive solutions and all other international private and public stakeholders in this field, all working for an eco-responsible industry. 

The 2022 edition will host two pitch contests, one “Fast track it!” dedicated to start-ups developing their technologies and a new one “Go for it!” dedicated to entrepreneurs in the final stage of the ideation.


Winners of the pitch contests will be awarded:

  • “Fast track it!”: technical services on TWB platforms valued at €50,000 and participation opportunities with IAR (The French Bioeconomy cluster) & Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation.
  • “Go for it!”: mentoring services, equivalent to four days, provided by TWB and its ecosystem, and by Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation, The French Tech Toulouse and ShakeUpFactory.


NEW FOR THE APPLICANTS: The day before the 5th edition of TWB® START-UP DAY (20 June 2022) will be dedicated to start-uppers and entrepreneurs who apply (exclusive visit of TWB new premises & exchange opportunities business and scientific experts).


(The event will take place in person, subject to health conditions)

Key figures: 

  • 250 attendees from 10+ countries
  • 40+ start-up companies
  • Investors, industrials, tech transfer structures, academic labs…

Inside the event: 

  • Key notes & thematic sessions 
  • TWB Awards 2021 with 2 start-up pitch contests: « Fast track it! » and « Go for it! »  
  • Virtual BtoB meetings