06 December 2023 Ended

Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot Curie, Brussels

Conference - Mobilising research in support to the EU forest strategy for 2030

INRAE is organizing a conference dedicated to research on temperate and tropical forest ecosystems and how it can meet the objectives of the European environmental policies. It will be a unique opportunity of dialogue between science and policy in a context where European forests and forestry stakeholders in Member States are facing major and growing challenges, as they are asked to combine the environmental, economic, social and territorial role of forests, while being exposed to various threats exacerbated by climate change.

illustration Conference - Mobilising research in support to the EU forest strategy for 2030

How can research on temperate and tropical forest ecosystems meet the objectives of European environmental policies?


The Conference organized by INRAE,  will be held on 7 December (9:00 am - 4:00 pm), in Brussels at the Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie (Rue du Trône 100, 1050 Brussels).

The Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie is the Brussels platform for French players in research, innovation and higher education,  welcoming permanent members (CDEFI, CEA, CNRS, France Universités, IFREMER, INRAE, Inria, IRD, IRSN, INSERM, ONERA and Université Gustave Eiffel) as well as attached and associated members.



The main activities are to monitor European information and strategy, strengthening the interface with the French players in the Brussels ecosystem and to increase the visibility of the expertise and results of the French scientific community among Brussels players in research, innovation and higher education. The house hosts working meetings, seminars and events involving European institutions (Parliament, Commission, Directorates-General and executive agencies, etc.).



Opening keynotes from Thierry Caquet, Scientific Director for Environment, INRAE and Greet Janssens-Maenhout, Head of the Forests and Bioeconomy Unit, JRC.

Morning session - Understanding forests to better protect them: the role of research on temperate and tropical forest ecossytems

Panel 1 – RESILIENCE: Improving the resilience of forests and forest sector facing climate change, multiple hazards and biodiversity loss

Moderator: Georg Winkel, Chair of the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy
Group at Wageningen University

• Claire Veneault-Fourrey, Senior Scientist on Tree-Microorganism Interactions, INRAE
• Marielle Brunette, Senior Scientist at the Bureau for Economic Theory and Application, INRAE
• Angelika Rubin, DG ENV D3, European Commission

Panel 2 – MONITORING: Improving the monitoring of EU forests to assess the state of forest ecosystems and enable data-driven decision-making

Moderator: Oliver Brendel, Senior scientist, INRAE

• Nicolas Barbier, researcher on Tropical Ecology, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, IRD
• Laurent Saint Andre, Senior Scientist at the ‘Biogeochemical Cycles in Forest Ecosystems’ Unit, INRAE
• Frédéric Frappart, Senior Scientist at ‘Atmosphere Plant Soil Interactions’ Unit, INRAE
• Ion Codescu, HoU Land Use and Management, ENV D1, European Commission

Afternoon session - Strengthening a holistic and future-oriented EU forestry policy

Introductory talk: The EU forest strategy: where do we stand and what remains to be done?

By Gaëlle Marion, HoU Environmental Sustainability, AGRI B2, European Commission

Roundtable: Which priorities of forest stakeholders for a holistic vision of forests?

Moderator: Maurice Hoffmann, Alternet Network Council Chair

• Nicolas Picard, Co-chair of the SCAR Forest
• Piotr Borkowski, Executive Director, European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR)
• Michele Bozzano, Coordinator of the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme
• Johan Elvnert, Secretary General of the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform

Full programme

This event is free of charge but registration is mandatory due to the limited number of seats. To attend the event, please register HERE.