12 15 September 2022 Ended

Maastricht, the Netherlands

LuWQ2022: Land Use and Water Quality

LuWQ2022 is an international and interdisciplinary conference on the cutting edge of science, management and policy to minimise effects of agriculture and land use changes on the quality of groundwater and surface waters.

illustration LuWQ2022: Land Use and Water Quality
© 2022 LuWQ

Objectives of the conference are:

  • to provide a forum for exchange of scientific knowledge, research to better understand 'systems function', modelling and uncertainty;
  • to discuss the entire policy cycle for water quality improvement;
  • to intensify contacts (a) between soil/water related scientists, agro-related scientists, social scientists, ecological scientists and economists, and (b) between scientists, water managers and policy makers.

Conference is jointly convened by:

Patrick Durand of INRAE SAS UMR in Rennes is a member of the scientific committee of the conference.

All information on the conference website: https://www.luwq2022.nl

Aline WaquetCommunication INRAE AgroEcoSystem


Patrick Durand Senior ScientistJoint Research Unit for Soil, Agro-hydrosystems and Spatial Modelling

