28 29 March 2023 Ended

INRAE Champenoux & AgroParisTech Nancy

Annals of Forest Science : Mini-Symposium and Round table

illustration Annals of Forest Science : Mini-Symposium and Round table
© V. Pagneux (INRAE)

During the meeting of the chief editors of Annals of Forest Science at Champenoux and Nancy, we have the pleasure to invite you to join two events:

Mini-symposium “Annals of Forest Science: Forests in a changing World”

Tuesday March 28, 13:30-17:50
INRAE, Champenoux, Conference room

Program : 

13:20-13:30 – Welcome and context, Erwin Dreyer & Jean Michel Leban, INRAE, Nancy, France

13:30-13:55 - Current and future challenges for forest management, adaptation and restoration, Andreas Bolte, Thünen Institute, Eberswalde, Germany

13:55-14:20 - Monitoring of European forests between old questions and renewed interest, Marco Ferretti, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland

14:20-14:45 - Main research trends in forest inventory and monitoring, Jean-Daniel Bontemps, IGN, Nancy, France

14:45-15:10 - Examining growth relationships in Quercus dominated stands through models derived from long-term thinning trials, John Lhotka, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA

15:10-15:35 - Dynamics of wood formation under a changing climate: some current challenges, Cyrille Rathgeber, INRAE, Nancy, France.


Coffee break


16:00-16:25 - Historical ecology for the future: human legacies in forests, from the stand to the landscape scale, Jean Luc Dupouey & Laurent Bergès, INRAE, Nancy & Grenoble, France

16:25-16:50 - New research trends in forest pathology, Pascal Frey, INRAE, Nancy, France

16:50-17:15 - Deciphering the model forest pathosystem Populus-Melampsora through the lens of genomics, Sébastien Duplessis, INRAE, Nancy, France

17:15-17:40 - Organic carbon stored in forest soils: quantitative aspects, factors of control and possible actions for additional storage, Delphine Derrien, INRAE, Nancy, France

17:40-17:50 - Conclusion and closure of the Mini-symposium


The mini-symposium will be accessible by Zoom (contact :  annforsci@inrae.fr).

Round table with the Chief Editors of the review Annals of Forest Science : 
Publishing in forest science: new challenges with respect to Open Science.

Wednesday, March 29, 10:00-11:00
AgroParisTech, Nancy, Salle Jacamon

Andreas Bolte (Thünen Institute, Eberswalde); Erwin Dreyer (INRAE, Nancy); Marco Ferretti (WSL, Birmensdorf); John Lhotka (University of Kentucky); Jean Michel Leban (INRAE, Nancy); Shuguang Liu (Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changha, Hunan).

The publishing landscape has considerably changed over the last decades due to the rapid development of digital tools and to the transition to open science practices. Forest science is no exception in this respect. The traditional publication process is overwhelmingly challenged by the rapid dissemination of new information over the internet. On one hand, new tools allow access to contents, data, codes and all relevant information around a research project and new editorial procedures favour cooperation and rapid dissemination. On the other hand, this situation creates some confusion for both authors and readers, and some publishers strongly benefit from this confusion by providing poor services at high costs for authors. After a few words of introduction by the editors, they will answer the questions and exchange with all participants on this topic from a forest science perspective.

Annals of Forest Science

