Research at the Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Centre

The new INRAE institute features one of its largest operations in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, with some 1,400 staff in total in 41 separate units. It is organised into 2 research centres, Clermont-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The 500 staff members in the Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes centre work in 21 research units, 10 of which are mixed research units with INRAE as joint supervisor, plus one research support unit and 7 collective types of infrastructure (experimental halls, technical platforms and facilities). These are spread across a large part of the Rhône-Alpes area in 9 separate regional geographic locations. The centre is active in a very wide range of fields: water and associated ecotechnologies, natural, health and environmental risks, territories and socio-ecosystems, integrative biology of plants and their adaptation to their environment, and human nutrition and how it is linked to health. As a result, the centre’s research units contribute to the activities of 10 of the Institute’s 14 scientific departments.

Our research areas

In order to ensure regional consistency, the 2 regional centres work within a common scientific framework, which sets out the range of research offered by INRAE in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region.

6 priority research areas

  1. water,  watersheds, aquatic ecology and associated ecotechnologies;
  2. natural, health and environmental risks;
  3. territories and socio-ecosystems: qualifications, trajectories and support;
  4. integrative biology of model and cultivated plants and adaptation to their environment;
  5. human nutrition, dietary complexity and health;
  6. agroecology of grassland farming systems, product quality and animal health.

Our Research Units

  • BF2I - Biologie Fonctionnelle, Insectes et Interactions (UMR) - INRAE / INSA
  • CARMEN - Cardiovasculaire, Métabolisme, Diabétologie et Nutrition (UMR) - INRAE / INSERM / UCBL
  • CARRTEL - Alpine Center for Research on Trophic Networks and Limnic Ecosystems (UMR) - INRAE / USMB
  • CASPER - Characterisation and Monitoring of Phenomena of Resistance Development (USC) - ANSES
  • CCSD - Center for Direct Scientific Communication (UMS) - INRAE / CNRS / Inria / UdL
  • EPIA - Épidémiologie des maladies animales et zoonotiques (UMR) - INRAE / VetAgro Sup
  • GAEL - Laboratoire d'Économie Appliquée de Grenoble (UMR) - INRAE / CNRS / Grenoble INP / UGA
  • IGE - Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement de Grenoble (UMR) - INRAE / CNRS / Grenoble INP / IRD / UGA
  • IGFL - Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon (USC) - CNRS / ENS / UCBL
  • IVPC - Infections Virales et Pathologie Comparée (UMR) -  INRAE / EPHE / UCBL
  • LEHNA - Laboratoire d’Écologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (USC) - Université Lyon 1 / CNRS
  • LEM - Écologie Microbienne Lyon (UMR) - INRAE / CNRS / UCBL / VetAgroSup
  • LESSEM - Laboratoire des ÉcoSystèmes et Sociétés En Montagne (UPR) - INRAE
  • LPCV - Cell and Plant Physiology Laboratory (UMR) - INRAE / CEA / CNRS / UGA
  • OSUG - Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (UMS) - CNRS / IRD / Météo France / UGA
  • PAVAL - Pathogénèse et Vaccinations Lentivirales (USC) - UGA
  • RDP - Reproduction et Développement des Plantes (UMR) - INRAE / CNRS / ENS / Inria / UCBL
  • REVERSAAL - Reduce, Reuse, Recover Wastewater Resources (UPR) - INRAE
  • RiverLyFonctionnement des hydrosystèmes (UPR) - INRAE
  • RS2GP - Rongeurs Sauvages, Risques Sanitaires et Gestion des Populations (USC) - VetAgro Sup
  • SBRI  - Stem-Cell & Brain Research Institute (USC) - INSERM / UCBL