The research units of the Clermont-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Centre

Our research is part of a continuum ranging from biological resources (animal, plant, microbial) to territories via products and Humans.

Located in the Auvergne region, the Centre's members of staff are spread over 20 units situated in 8 geographical sites, from Aurillac to Montoldre, via Clermont-Ferrand. These units comprise 14 research units - including 9 UMRs, 2 Contract Research Units (USCs) and 3 Research Units (URs) -, 2 Experimental Units (UEs) and 4 Administrative Units (including two research department management units). The majority of our research units are associated with academic partners (universities, research organisations, schools) in the form of UMRs or USCs. The Centre's total number of staff is around 1300.

The territory is geographically rich (plains, mountains, lakes...), with various economic, human or environmental activities and issues, high-density human areas (large, medium and small territorial metropolises) and vast agri-environmental areas. This diversity enables multidisciplinary and integrated research to be carried out in various promising and/or high-stake areas.


The Centre’s units are described in the INRAE directory.

You can find a description of the activities of the Centre's units in the following document (2021) : 

description_of_the_research_experimental_and_administrative_units_-_2022.pdf pdf - 169.51 KB


The Centre's units and websites:

  • UE 1414 - Herbipôle (Parent organisation: INRAE) – Address: 1739 route des Razats 63820 Laqueuille. Web site.
  • UE 1375 – Crops Field Phenotyping Facility (PHACC – Parent organisation: INRAE) – Address: 5 chemin de Beaulieu 63000 Clermont-Ferrand. Web site
  • UMR 0874 – Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit (UREP – Parent organisations:  INRAE - VetAgro Sup) – Address: 5 chemin de Beaulieu 63000 Clermont- Ferrand. Web site.
  • UMR 0346 – Epidemiology of Animal and Zoonotic Diseases Research Unit (EPIA – Parent organisations:  INRAE - VetAgro Sup) – Address: 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle. Web site.
  • UMR 0545 – Joint Research Unit on Cheese (UMRF – Parent organisations: INRAE - UCA - VetAgro Sup) – Address: 20 rue Côte de Reyne 15000 Aurillac. Web site.
  • UMR 1095 – Genetics, Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals (GDEC – Parent organisations: INRAE – UCA) – Address: 5 chemin de Beaulieu 63000 Clermont-Ferrand. Web site.
  • UMR 1213 - Herbivores (UMRH – Parent organisations: INRAE - VetAgro Sup) – Address: 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle. Web site.
  • UMR 0454 – Microbiology, Digestive Environment and Health Research Unit (MEDIS – Parent organisations: INRAE – UCA) – Address: 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle. Web site.
  • UMR 1019 – Human Nutrition (UNH – Parent organisations: INRAE – UCA) – Address: 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle. Web site.
  • UMR 0547 – Integrative Physics and Physiology of Trees in Fluctuating Environments (PIAF – Parent organisations: INRAE – UCA) – Address: 5 chemin de Beaulieu 63000 Clermont-Ferrand. Web site.
  • UMR 1273 - Territories (Parent organisations: INRAE - AgroParisTech - VetAgro Sup – UCA) – Address: 9 avenue Blaise-Pascal - CS 20085 63178 Aubière. Web site.
  • UR 1465- Engineering Laboratory for Complex Systems (LISC – Parent organisations: INRAE) – Address: 9 avenue Blaise Pascal - CS 20085 - 63178 Aubière.
  • UR 0370 – The animal Products Quality Unit (QUAPA – Parent organisations: INRAE) – Address: 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle. Web site.
  • UR 1471- Technologies and Information Systems for Agro-Systems) (TSCF – Parent organisations: INRAE) – Address: 9 avenue Blaise Pascal - CS 20085 - 63178 Aubière. Web site.
  • USC 1489- Clinical Odontology Research Centre (CROC – Parent organisations: UCA - INRAE associé) – Address: 2 rue de Braga, 63100 Clermont-Ferrand. Web site.
  • USC 2018 – Microbe, intestine, Inflammation and Host Susceptibility (M2ISH) – Parent organisations: UCA - CHU Clermont-Ferrand - INRAE associé) – Address: Faculté de Médecine et Pharmacie 28 place Dunant - BP 38 - 63000 Clermont-Ferrand. Web site.

The regional research offer is organised around 6 priority scientific areas

prélèvement d'échantillons d'herbe au milieu d'un troupeau

In the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, INRAE has one of its strongest representation with nearly 1400 members of staff in total. The institute is present via its two research centres, the Clermont-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Centre and the Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Centre.

Following the new Institute's national scientific policy, and in order to ensure regional coherence, the two regional centres have a joint scientific plan, which represents the INRAE Institute's research offer in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.   See the latest activity report:

The six thematic areas :

  1. Agroecology of grassland farming systems, product quality and animal health.
  2. Integrative biology of model and cultivated plants and adaptation to their environment.
  3. Water, watersheds, aquatic ecology and associated Ecotechnologies.
  4. Territories and socio-ecosystems: qualifications, trajectories and change management.
  5. Natural, Health and environment risks.
  6. Human nutrition, dietary complexity and health.


Involvement of the Centre’s research units in the 6 INRAE scientific themes:

Axe 1:  Agroecology of grassland farming systems, product quality and animal health.

UMR EPIA, UMR UREP, UR QUAPA, UMRF Joint Research Unit on Cheese , UMR Herbivores, UMR Territories, UMR MEDIS, UR TSCF, UE Herbipôle

Axe 2: Integrative biology of model and cultivated plants and adaptation to their environment.


Axe 3: Water, watersheds, aquatic ecology and associated Ecotechnologies

Axe 4: Territories and socio-ecosystems: qualifications, trajectories and change management 

 UMR Territories, UR LISC

Axe 5: Natural, Health and environment risks.


Axe 6: Human nutrition, dietary complexity and health.



photo d'un ensemble de pipettes avec un effet esthétique