29 September 2021 16h00 -17h30 Ended


FAO and INRAE Webinar: Mainstreaming Biodiversity-Sensitive Agriculture

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in North America and INRAE are co-hosting a high-level webinar about the challenges and opportunities for promoting more sustainable agricultural practices and approaches to help halt the unprecedented decline of biodiversity across the globe. Speakers from INRAE includes Jean-François Soussana, Vice President for International Affairs, Thierry Caquet, Scientific Director for the Environment, Marc Deconchat, Research Director and Director of the BIOSEFAIR metaprogramme.

illustration FAO and INRAE Webinar: Mainstreaming Biodiversity-Sensitive Agriculture

Mainstreaming Biodiversity-Sensitive Agriculture to Ensure the Sustainability of our Food Systems

Achieving food security and nutrition for all depends on biodiversity, which generates multiple livelihood benefits. Biodiversity and ecosystem services are essential for sustainable agriculture, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries. It also makes production systems and livelihoods more resilient to economic, social and environmental shocks and stresses, including the mounting effects of climate change.

Despite global efforts spanning several decades, biodiversity continues to be eroded at an alarming pace. But there are signs of hope in many countries around the world. In fact, biodiversity-friendly practices are on the rise, yet these efforts need to be intensified, vastly scaled up and better coordinated. The knowledge, technologies and practices already exist that can make agriculture and the broader food system more biodiversity friendly.

Now, actions and policies are needed to bring about a world where agriculture and food systems reduce their negative impacts on, and make the best use of the potential of biological diversity and ecosystems, and contribute to the conservation, sustainable use, management and restoration of biodiversity, ensuring food security and nutrition for present and future generations and supporting livelihoods.




Jocelyn Brown Hall, Director, FAO North America
Jean-François Soussana, Vice President for International Affairs, INRAE

Thierry Caquet, Scientific Director for the Environment, INRAE
Eduardo Mansur, Director, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, FAO

Panel discussion
Irene Hoffmann, Secretary of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Marc Deconchat, Research Director and Director of the BIOSEFAIR Metaprogramme, INRAE
Representative from The Nature Conservancy

Q&A session
Moderator: Thomas Pesek, Senior Liaison Officer at the FAO North America and moderator of the event


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