28 September 2021 9h45 - 12h30 Ended
One Health Symposium
The new edition of the symposium "One Health: health of the soil, animals and people", proposed by the Association Bleu-Blanc-Cœur, with the scientific support of INRAE and Valorex will take place with 2 new online sessions on food, health and the environment.
One Health: a social, economic and public health stake for our territories
> 10h05 – Introduction – One Health: health is at the heart of agricultural systems as a driver for creating value. Speech by Julien DENORMANDIE, French Minister for Agriculture and Food.
What climate, animal health and economic effects are associated with a One Health approach aiming a balanced intakes in vitamin D3, omega-3, polyphenols, fibers, etc., on the consumer's plate?
> 10H15 – Environmental impacts and societal services of different farming and breeding models (organic, conventional, Bleu-Blanc-Coeur, etc.)
By Michel DURU, Research director at INRAE – Project manager.
> 10H35 – Animal greenhouse gas emissions: Environmental and nutritional impacts of breeding choices
By Jean-Louis PEYRAUD, Research director at INRAE – Joint Research Unit for Physiology, Environment and Genetics for Animals and Livestock Systems (PEGASE) in Rennes, FRANCE.
Food and climate: when agriculture provides substantiated, significant and rapid responses to climate issues
> 10h55 – How to assess the societal costs and benefits of a diet with high nutritional density on public health and on the distribution of values? For economic reasons, should we open up the subject of preventive nutrition versus curative health (vaccines, drugs)?
By Louis-Georges Soler, Deputy Scientific Director for Food and Bioeconomy at INRAE
> 11H15 – Can we measure health benefits for breeding animals that consume and produce these interesting healthy nutrients?
By Guillaume CHESNEAU, Director of Research and Innovation Valorex, and Jocelyn MARGUERIE, Cristal network.
> 11H35 – Environmental impact measurement, tools and methods deployed by Bleu-Blanc-Cœur for the payment of environmental services.
By Pierre WEILL, Co-Chairman of Bleu-blanc-Cœur
> 12H20 – Open questions/answers
> 12H30 – Conclusion by Bernard Schmitt (Bleu-Blanc-Coeur)