07 09 February 2023 Ended


Soil Mapping for a Sustainable Future

2nd joint Workshop of the IUSS Working Groups Digital Soil Mapping and Global Soil Map. This conference will be hosted by le STUDIUM Institute for advanced studies (Orléans, France). It will bring together the International Union of Soil Sciences Working Groups ‘Digital Soil Mapping’ and ‘Global Soil Map’.

illustration Soil Mapping for a Sustainable Future
© NICOLAS Bertrand / INRAE

Digital soil mapping (DSM) is the modern way of creating soil maps and spatial soil information systems using numerical models. DSM is now widely used to create accurate maps of soil properties from field to global scales. This conference will present advances in science, state-of-art of spatiotemporal assessment, addressing the challenges and the mechanics of its various implementations for a sustainable future and soil health management from the field to the globe. It will bring together scientists in the field of DSM and end-users of their products.

Presentations will include, among others:

  • global, regional and national state-of-the art of DSM products,
  • methodological advances in DSM, including testing new modelling approaches and incorporating/selecting new co-variates,
  • sampling issues,
  • validation/evaluation methods of the performance of prediction,
  • evaluation of uncertainty and communication of the uncertainty to end-users,
  • uses of DSM products for decision-making, soil management and conservation, land-use planning, and evaluation/preservation of ecosystem services.


IUSS (International Union of Soil Sciences)
Digital Soil Mapping Working Group
Global Soil Map Working Group


GlobalSoilMap : Advances ; Specifications and requirements ; National scale examples ; Integration of local data into global products ; Harmonisation issues
Advances in Digital Soil Mapping: Data collection and processing of soil data, soil and environmental sampling optimization and links to Spectroscopy and spectral library ; Applied statistics for DSM including Upscaling and downscaling ; Uncertainty estimation and propagation
DSM and digital soil assessment: Soil information for environmental modelling and management ; Soil organic carbon mapping; modelling and forecasting ; Soil degradation and links with other issues (water, air, biosphere, human health) ; Soil functions and ecosystem services mapping, soil security mapping

Scientific Committee

Chair: Dominique Arrouays, INRAE, Info&Sols Research Unit, Orléans 


Auditorium of the Musée des Beaux Arts of Orléans
1 rue Fernand Rabier - 45000 Orléans

Communication INRAE Val de LoireEditing


Dominique ArrouaysScientific contactInfo&Sols Research Unit