03 07 October 2021 Ended


The New Africa-France Summit, to reinvent our relations

Looking to rethink our relations, the New Summit is bringing together the civil society to focus on the drivers of change, young people and the future.

illustration The New Africa-France Summit, to reinvent our relations
© MInistère de l'Europe et des Affaires Etrangères

On our schedule

From October 4-7, Montpellier Global Days for Science, Education & Innovation: Africa 2021

Find out more

Wednesday, October 6, at 9.15 am find us on the Campus de Lavalette Montpellier

  • Inauguration of Arcad, Ressources Centre on Mediterranean and tropical vegetal agrobiodiveristy
  • Inauguration of AbioPhen greenhouse,to study plant adaptation to abiotic constraints and climate change

Friday, October 8, the New Africa-France Summit

Check out the program