19 May 2022 Ended


Science for policymaking in France

This virtual workshop is organised by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in partnership with INRAE.

illustration Science for policymaking in France

This virtual workshop on “Science for policymaking in France” is organised by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in partnership with INRAE, and it is part of the JRC’s online workshop series “Strengthening and connecting eco-systems of science for policy across Europe”.

The workshop aims at bringing together professionals from national, regional and local governments and public administrations, the scientific community, Academies of Science, and other organisations with an interest and experience in bringing scientific knowledge into the policymaking process at all governance levels.

With the participation of

  • Philippe Mauguin, CEO INRAE
  • Laura Maxim, Senior researcher in sociology at the interdisciplinary research laboratory dedicated to the study of science and innovation in societies (LISIS), INRAE
  • Patrick Flammarion, Deputy Director General for Scientific Expertise and Policy SupportINRAE.

> More information