12 May 2021 Ended


Launching event for the publication of the Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy

The four editors of the Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy (Roisin Burke, Alan Kelly, Christophe Lavelle, Hervé This vo Kientza) are organizing an online conference about the book on the 12th of May.

Topics and programme

The topics discussed will reflect the 3 parts of the book:

Molecular and physical gastronomy, scientific aspects
Education practices of molecular and physical gastronomy
Applications of molecular and physical gastronomy to culinary art


The programme (Paris time)

Hervé This: Molecular Gastronomy, Molecular Cooking, Molecular Cuisine, Note by note cooking, Note by note Cuisine

Roisin Burke: The Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, a huge project

Session 1
Chair: Alan Kelly

14.30-14.50: Molecular Gastronomy, Stability of crystallising emulsions, by Thomas Vilgis

14.50-15.10: Molecular Gastronomy, The Glycation and Maillard Reactions as the Major Non-Enzymatic Browning Reactions in Food, Frederic Tessier

15.10-15.30: Molecular Gastronomy, What are Lecithins for the food industry, Elzbieta Kosakiewicz and Daniel Cossuta

15.30-15.50: Molecular Gastronomy, Frying, by Franco Pedreschi

Session 2
Chair: Chistophe Lavelle

16.00-16.20: Education practices, Teaching Argumentation and Inquiry through Culinary Claims, by Erik Fooladi

16.20-16.50: Application to culinary art, by Sophie Dalton

16.50: Questions, Follow up with the IJMPG, etc.

The link for connection will be https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/999ba035210a478db00a4c09f61bce5d

Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy

Authors from all over the world have written chapters for the Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, under the direction of Roisin Burke, Alan Kelly, Christophe Lavelle and Hervé This vo Kientza.

> See the table of contents.


Hervé This Director INRAE-AgroParisTech Centre for Molecular and Physical Gastronomy