Partnerships in Hauts-de-France

Our academic partnership

The Centre Hauts-de-France is located in a highly dynamic region in terms of higher education and research. Our teams are involved in numerous collaborations with :


Our socio-economic and agricultural partnerships

Our teams are heavily involved in agricultural development with local and national partners: Agro-Transfert Ressources et Territoires, the Laboratoire Départemental d'Analyses et de Recherche de l'Aisne, chambers of agriculture and technical institutes (Arvalis Institut du Végétal, Terres Inovia). This partnership contributes, among other things, to the design of decision-making tools for managing nitrogen fertilization, the carbon cycle and the presence of weeds.

They have also forged strong partnerships with industry through their membership of several competitive clusters, including Bioeconomy For Change, Nutrition Santé Longévité and Euramaterials.

At the Estrées-Mons site, more than 70 people from our partners were welcomed, and a project was launched to create the "field crops" division of the Hauts-de-France Chamber of Agriculture.

Strong involvement of the center in future-oriented investment programs

Our teams have actively participated in three national green biotechnology programs: Peamust, Amaizing, Biomass For the Future. The aim is to design the plants of the future to meet the challenges of sustainable productivity, environmental protection and suitability for processing into quality products.

They are also partners in the PIVERT Energy Transition Institute and national platforms (IMPROVE on proteins, EXTRACTIS in green chemistry and ADRIANOR in agri-food).

The Center is also heavily involved in the development of the STICS crop simulation model, in particular its extension to environmental issues.

Dialogue with citizens

The Centre Hauts-de-France is also heavily involved in the region's network of professionals in the field of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture, and particularly within the Ombelliscience association, which works to share knowledge in the scientific and technical fields. We are involved in national events such as the Fête de la Science, and the Estrées-Mons site welcomes many visits from schoolchildren and students every year.