5 min

Well-being in co-existence – the heart of INRAE values

May 16 was a new International Day of Living Together in Peace. At INRAE, peaceful co-existence is more than just a notion – it is a conviction expressed every day and in many forms. Read on for a guided tour.

Published on 16 May 2022

illustration Well-being in co-existence – the heart of INRAE values
© INRAE, Bertrand Nicolas

Well-being in co-existence must be cultivated

In a nutshell, co-existence is the “harmonious cohabitation of individuals” or “the ability and willingness of individuals in a socially and culturally diverse environment to share their living space together harmoniously”.  In day-to-day life, it means showing respect and caring for others and accepting differences, in a commitment to peace.

Achieving well-being together, on top of that, reflects a harmonious environment –a rich and ambitious one that will strengthen the professional commitment of the women and men of INRAE, attract new talent and foster creativity and success in what individuals and work communities do at the Institute. It is a colourful painting composed by INRAE day by day.

Raising awareness about diversity and supporting staff in their diversity

Very early, INRAE made a commitment to certification and the improvement of its systems and processes, with a view to preserving its workforce and providing it with suitable and motivating working conditions.

In 2020, the Institute – a pioneer in this field among public scientific and technical research establishments – obtained both diversity and equality certification. What are the main focus areas? To support staff throughout their careers in all their diversity; guarantee them a safe and inclusive working environment; promote professional growth; work to change stereotypes; promote gender equality, and prevent and fight discrimination and sexual and gender-based violence. These priorities are supported by human resources teams and representatives at the national and regional level who work closely with staff.

Promoting the Institute’s values also involves raising long-term awareness among individuals and groups. This is achieved with information guides, recommendation manuals or special webinars. It also involves training recruitment panels and management teams to prevent and combat stereotypes and discrimination.

Promoting interculturality and international mobility

The diversity and uniqueness of INRAE is an undeniable strength we are proud of and wish to amplify through an even greater focus on the world and the richness of interculturality. Philippe Mauguin

Around 10% of the researchers and 30% of the doctoral students welcomed by INRAE every year are men and women from around the world to whom the Institute strives to offer a warm welcome and effective support.   

Lucia Belloni, deputy head of International Mobility and Interculturality at the International Relations Division, tells you more.

INRAE is also active in PAUSE, a national programme for the urgent aid and reception of scientists in exile to provide hosting and support for academics and researchers in danger.

Hana Bacaër, PAUSE Programme Coordinator at the International Relations Division, tells you more.

Preventing conflict and violence

In 2020, INRAE set up an independent counselling centre run by Allodiscrim to allow employees to report personal incidents of discrimination and sexual or gender-based violence.

In addition, a new range of human resources services was recently launched to support conflict prevention and resolution. This is a structured process by which two or more employees attempt to reach an agreement with the help of a third party, the mediator. Mediation supplements manager-led conflict resolution.

Developing interaction and sharing

INRAE works in partnership with ADAS, an association that works for the development of social activities, to organise and offer social, sports and cultural programmes to staff. These initiatives encourage staff to spend time together and build relationships and social ties.


Well-being in co-existence is a multi-faceted, collective endeavour, supported by the excellence of a workforce and the resources that INRAE provides and will continue to build.

the international day of living together in peace

The International Day of Living Together in Peace is celebrated on 16 May every year since 2017.
It promotes co-existence (the acceptance of differences), respect and recognition of others in a spirit of peace. (Source: United Nations).

Learn more

Gender equality and the fight against discrimination: INRAE is the 1st public research institution to be awarded dual Equality-Diversity accreditation

PRESS RELEASE - By awarding INRAE the Diversity and Equality at Work certification, jointly known as the "Alliance standard", AFNOR has acknowledged the Institute's commitment to promoting diversity, eliminating discrimination and defending gender equality in the workplace*. This commitment extends and strengthens the actions the Institute has carried out in those areas for a number of years now, in compliance with the European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers certification – HRS4R – it was awarded in 2010. Through the proactive approach the Institute initiated in 2018 with the support of the French Ministries of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, National Education and Youth, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, INRAE is the first public research institution to earn this dual Alliance standard.

20 January 2020

Women at INRAE

Every year, International Women’s Day on 8 March throws the spotlight on the fight against gender inequalities. INRAE is engaged in these efforts through numerous actions that are gradually bearing fruit, even though certain inequalities and stereotypes still need to be rooted out, today and every other day of the year.

05 March 2021