Val de Loire

With its research in integrative biology and sustainable management, its experimental capacities and nearly 800 staff members, including 632 permanent staff, the INRAE ​​Val de Loire centre conducts research around four axes: “Soil dynamics and environmental management” , "Integrative biology of trees and associated biodiversity for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems", "Integrative animal biology, sustainability of farming systems", "Infectiology and One Health". These areas of research are spread over four sites: Orléans, Tours, Nogent-sur-Vernisson and Bourges.

The INRAE Val de Loire centre develops generic research and integrated and multidisciplinary studies, sources of innovation for better sustainability of natural resources and agricultural and forestry systems and their associated biodiversity. Thanks to its technological platforms, analyses can be carried out at the different scales of the molecule, the individual, populations and ecosystems. Imaging now makes it possible to visualize and track physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms over time.

Spread over 1,500 hectares, the centre's experimental facilities make it possible to develop new models and study genetic, animal, plant or microbial resources to acquire particularly original data. They also open up the possibilitý to test new sustainable approaches such as the methanisation of effluents.

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